This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," Nov. 23, 2004, that has been edited for clarity.
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JOHN KASICH, GUEST HOST: In the "Back of the Book" segment tonight, they say behind every good man is a good woman. For Donald Trump (search), that woman may very well be Carolyn Kepcher (search), the executive vice president of the Trump organization and big-time co-star of the hit reality series "The Apprentice."
Ms. Kepcher is the author of the new book "Carolyn 101: Business Lessons From "The Apprentice's Straight Shooter." She joins us now.
I told you — I mean, America's going to hate me. I have never seen this show, but what I want to know is why are people — I've talked to my friends about it. I promise I'll watch it, OK. I promise.
KASICH: Why do people love this?
KEPCHER: I think people love this show because for the majority of people out there, they can relate to this show and take something from it, which is different from other reality shows.
KASICH: Well, what — how do you they relate to it?
KEPCHER: Well, not everybody eats bugs, and not everybody jumps out of airplanes, but everybody has a job.
KASICH: Well, that's right. But does everybody go in and talk to the big-time boss and say, oh, I'd like to — you know, I — give me — you know, give me a big job here, make me president?
KEPCHER: No, but everybody does go to work every day, and they do have to deal with people, and they have to deal with different circumstances. So I think everybody can relate to it.
KASICH: And what about this fascination with Donald Trump? It doesn't seem to be abating? What the heck is the deal with this? I know we're a big celebrity culture. What's the deal with this guy?
KEPCHER: He is — he's larger than life. He's just fascinating. I mean, here's — here's a man who — I mean, he's not an actor. He's doing this "Apprentice," and he's a star, for lack of a better word, but yet he's a real-estate developer, and he brings so much to the table. That's why he brings so much credibility to this series.
KASICH: Yes, he's sort of a — he sort of takes everything to another level in a way.
Now, look, you're a young kid, right? You're in college. You're just...
KEPCHER: Oh, I like that. Thank you.
KASICH: ... graduating. OK. So what do you do? I mean, which attitude should you have as you're leaving college? What should your attitude be?
KEPCHER: To succeed.
KASICH: In — and what does that mean?
KEPCHER: Whatever you want to succeed in. When I left college, I knew it was business, and I would — I think a lot of people just don't — they don't seek opportunity, or an opportunity can be right in front of them, and they don't realize it.
KASICH: Don't you think you have to think big?
KEPCHER: Of course you have to think big.
KASICH: You've got to think big.
KASICH: You know, I was telling a young woman, works up here...
KEPCHER: In order to succeed, you have to think big.
KASICH: I was — she — I said what do you want to do? She said, well, I'd like to go to Hollywood. Why don't you go? She says, well, I don't know. I said, well, think big~ I mean, you're 23 years old. What can you lose, you know?
KEPCHER: You're never going to make it that way.
KASICH: All right. What if you hate your job? Now think about this, Carolyn.
KASICH: OK. Here you've got a situation where you've got a — you know, you've got a spouse. You've got some kids. You've got your health insurance, and — I can imagine this, but you absolutely hate your job. What do you do?
KEPCHER: Sometime, some way, somehow, you have to leave. You do. You can't spend the rest of your life going to work. When you have to wake up in the morning and you dread going to work, find something else, whether it's...
KASICH: So how do you leave? What do you think you do? Do you make calls on the sly and try — I mean, you know, a lot of people have this.
KEPCHER: Oh, of course. If you can network, you know, that's absolutely great, and the worst thing you could say is I'm looking for another job and get the word out because that could certainly hurt you.
But you have to do whatever you can to just make a miserable situation — could you imagine waking up every morning, hating to go to work for the next 15 years of your life?
KASICH: How do you build allies in the workplace so that when somebody says, you know, I think they ought to take that woman off the show because she — blah, blah, blah, blah, and blah, and somebody stands up and says don't you pick on her, I can tell you — how do you build allies in the job? I have friends that have an inability to build allies. How do you do it?
KEPCHER: Very easy. Respect. Some people can just not agree with what I'm doing and even — not even like me, but, as long as they respect me, I'm OK with this. And if somebody — if I respect somebody, I may not like them, but I'll stand up for that person if I think they're right, and I think respect goes a long, long way.
KASICH: How do you get credit? How do you get credit for something you do, and you — people are going to say, oh, you're hogging all the credit. You've got to get credit for what you do. Value add, right?
KASICH: So how do you get credit in an appropriate way?
KEPCHER: Well, I'll tell you this. When I go — I use this as an example. When I walk into Donald's office and I want to — if I'm going for a raise or something, I'm not going to go in there and say, well, Donald, I've done A, B, C, D, E. If he doesn't know what I've already done, then I've failed somewhere. I don't think you...
KASICH: Yes. You've got to be telling him all along the line, don't you?
KEPCHER: Yes. Of course you do. I'm not going to say that I've done this and I've done this. You better know.
KASICH: All right. We're about out of time. But the last big question. I've never played Trump's golf course. Are we playing it next year?
KEPCHER: I think you might be.
KASICH: All right. All right! Thanks for being with us.
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