
This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," February 27, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, GUEST HOST: Joran van der Sloot admits that he was with Natalee Holloway the night that she disappeared. He admits that they drank together and that they made out on an Aruban beach, but he insists that those acts were consensual, that he left her alone on the beach around 2:30 in the morning, and that he has no idea what happened to her after that. Is he telling the truth, is the question that is arising after this recent interview.

Joining us live from Meridian, Mississippi, is Natalee Holloway's father, Dave Holloway. Dave, good to talk to you tonight.


MACCALLUM: You know, I know that you sat probably, I guess, in your living room at home, and you watched this interview. What went through your body and your mind as you listened to him recount what happened that evening in his own words?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I was just watching to see if he was telling any truthful matter. I mean, he's giving Pinocchio a good run for his money right now. You know, he gave the police not one, but two lies, and they fell for both of them. And then over the course of about three months, he continued to lie, one after the other. And in fact, he had three different stories on how he got home that night.

MACCALLUM: When you listen to some of the details, you know, some pretty graphic details about what was going on in that bar — he claimed that he was doing jelly shots, which I guess you sort of drink off somebody's stomach as they lay on the bar, all sorts of things about your daughter and what was going on there. What I'm curious about is did any of those connect with what her friends told you, who were also there in the bar with her that night?

HOLLOWAY: I think they, all the kids were there for, of course, their high school graduation, and they were all having a good time. And you know, I understand that some of that is true.

MACCALLUM: But the thing that strikes me is no matter how crazy, you know, high school kids can get, if somebody murdered someone else, that's really the bottom line, and nobody asks for that to happen to them, no matter how, you know, it seems like, in many cases, he keeps pointing out that she was the aggressor. That she wanted to dance with him. That she wanted to go out with him. How does all that settle with you, when you look at the fact that she's been missing for so long, Dave?

HOLLOWAY: Well, if you look at everything he said, it's always he's the victim, rather than, you know, Natalee. And it just goes on and on and on that he tries to minimize, you know, the victim and make himself look as if he's the victim.

MACCALLUM: One thing that jumped out at me, he said that as they were pulling away in the car, that there was a boy who was looking out for Natalee, and that he shouted out to her, Natalee, get out of the car now. Do you know who that boy is, and do you know that that happened?

HOLLOWAY: You know, I don't know who the boy is, and I don't know that that did happen, to tell you the truth about it, Martha. I heard that Joran did state that, and along with Deepak and Satish.

MACCALLUM: Another striking thing is that he says that while he was talking to Natalee in the back seat of the car, she referred to her mother as "Hitler's sister." And he says, Oh, you know, I thought she was joking, but she said she was serious. And he also said that another friend of hers corroborated that. What do you think about that?

HOLLOWAY: Well, you know, they all got their story together in the first nine days. Beth was there within one day of Natalee becoming missing and she got on to them pretty hefty. And I don't know whether that's something that they're attacking Beth with now or what. So I couldn't answer that question.

MACCALLUM: All right, Dave, stand by, if you would. We're going to have more of this with you in a minute.


MACCALLUM: Natalee Holloway's parents are suing Joran van der Sloot for sexually assaulting their daughter. But what is next if the civil suit fails? We're back with Natalee Holloway's father, Dave.

And Dave, I want to get back to some of what Joran had to say before we get to the questions about the civil suit. He seems to want to make the strong point that he felt that Natalee was OK, that she was walking, that she was talking to him. When asked if she seemed drunk, he said, No, not really. You know, she seemed like she was OK. Given that he told the story originally that she was so drunk that she needed to be helped into the hotel, which story do you think is more truthful, knowing your daughter?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I read his deposition on one of the first statements and he indicated that she was falling asleep, waking back up, you know, right after she left the nightclub at Carlos and Charlie's. Then when they traveled about four or five miles to the beach, all of a sudden, she was, you know, walking and coherent and all this kind of stuff. So common sense will tell you that if you're falling asleep and waking back up, you're not in a condition to walk along the beach.

MACCALLUM: The other point I just wanted to sort of bring into that is that several times, he stresses that he thinks that Natalee didn't want to go home, that she didn't want to go back to Alabama, that she said she wanted to stay in Aruba. And he seems to be trying to make the point that maybe she left on her own accord. What do you think about that?

HOLLOWAY: Well, it would be hard to swim 2,000 miles back to Alabama or even get off the island, so I don't buy that one bit. Natalee's not that type of person. All she wanted to do is go visit the island for four or five days, come back. She already had her plans set. Natalee was on time, had her future planned. And that was not one of the options.

MACCALLUM: What do you make, in your own mind, of why Joran is talking now?

HOLLOWAY: You know, he's talked to the police three months and, you know, the police officer and a spokesperson for Aruba has gone through the investigative material, and they've essentially said that he is guilty, but they've just got to prove it. And they can't prove it. So now he's trying to put that same scam or sham or whatever on the American people.

MACCALLUM: But Dave, you know, he's out of the country. He's in college. He's sort of getting on with his life. So what would be his motivation to come back to New York, and then he's, you know, served with this subpoena for this civil suit, and to sit down and talk about it, when it looks like, if he didn't, he could just sort of move on?

HOLLOWAY: Well, that's a very good question. I haven't quite understood that myself, either. So I don't know. That's something someone will have to ask him.

MACCALLUM: When you watched him talking, was there ever a moment that it crossed your mind that maybe he didn't do it?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I don't know. I know all three of them are involved in some way or the other. And you know, they're just keeping their mouth shut. They've just told too many lies and the lies continue on into the next day, as well. So you know, something's there. They know something. And it's just a matter of, you know, finding out what happened. I think now, he's trying to point the attention to Deepak.

MACCALLUM: I want to get back to that in a second, but I do want to ask you one quick question about the civil suit. How is that going? What satisfaction are you looking for in the civil suit, at this point?

HOLLOWAY: Well, we have a couple of issues, obviously, the jurisdiction and the forum issues. I'm not going to get my hopes up high until that's officially concluded. They've got probably 20 to 30 days on which they were served in which to answer the lawsuit. So you know, that's something that probably John Kelly, the attorney, could answer a lot better than I could.

MACCALLUM: Just very quickly, about 10 seconds, Dave, why do you think he's pointing the finger at Deepak again?

HOLLOWAY: Well, you know, he had these three stories where he walked home and then Deepak picked him up, and now he's saying Satish picked him up, so that blows the alibi for Deepak. Deepak said he was home on the computer, but I think Joran's now trying to say that maybe Deepak got off the computer while Satish was taking him home, and Deepak came to the beach and took over.

MACCALLUM: A lot of stories about that night, still trying to figure out exactly what happened, Dave, and I know you are. Thank you very much. Good to talk to you.

HOLLOWAY: Thank you.

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