This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," January 25, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: New evidence could show whether George Smith's disappearance was an accident or a violent crime. Smith vanished from his honeymoon cruise on July 5. Earlier this week, forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee boarded the cruise ship to look for clues.
Former FBI agent Greg McCrary was hired by Royal Caribbean cruise lines, and he was on the ship while Dr. Lee conducted his experiments. Greg McCrary joins us live from Miami. Welcome, Greg.
VAN SUSTEREN: Greg, what did you see Dr. Henry Lee do on that ship?
MCCRARY: Well, we were together for the day, and he had his team with him, and they, in effect, did sort of what I would describe as a routine and a thorough processing of the cabin, of the balcony, and then down below on the canopy. And by that I mean a lot of measurements, a lot of physical inspection of all of that. They used chemical reagents which are designed to react when they touch blood or the presumptive presence of blood. They can react to other things, as well. They use alternate light sources, different colored lights and things to try to locate any hairs or fibers or anything like that.
We also went with them as they measured distances and times between significant locations, such as the cabin and the casino and the disco and where she was found that evening, and so forth. So that took several hours to get through all that.
VAN SUSTEREN: In terms of the chemical reagents in the cabin, looking for the -- you know, the presence of blood, or at least presumed to be blood -- the carpet is gone. That's with the FBI. So did they do it on the ceiling and on -- I mean, what were the surfaces they were checking it on?
MCCRARY: Yes, they were swabbing areas, and they used it on the surfaces, a lot on the balcony, looking in the balcony area. They used alternate light sources to develop some areas where they used a little swab. That's the other thing they did is take some swabs and then put it in and see if it was reacting.
And then, of course, down on the canopy itself, which, of course, would be no surprise if we got a positive reaction to the reagents there because we know there was blood on the canopy. So they did that. Then they used some finger paints to sort of recreate what appeared to be the stain to them.
VAN SUSTEREN: Were there any positive reactions for blood or presumed to be blood inside the cabin or on the balcony? I understand that you might expect it on the canopy, but what about the balcony or the cabin?
MCCRARY: Well, again, it's Dr. Lee's inspection. I'll let him talk to what he thought he found and what he didn't find.
VAN SUSTEREN: All right. You've had a chance to look at the Turkish police report, is that right, sir?
MCCRARY: That's correct. Yes.
VAN SUSTEREN: What did you learn from reading that report?
MCCRARY: Well, it's what I would say is sort of an executive summary report. It isn't a detailed report as to exactly everything that was done and how it was done, but an overview of how they processed the scene, where they found certain items. And they articulated which items they seized and recovered and treated as potential evidence. And then, of course, all that was turned over to the FBI.
VAN SUSTEREN: In looking at that executive summary, you've looked at them before, since you were at the FBI for so many years. Did you have the sense that a full and thorough investigation was done, a competent one? Is that how you'd expect it to be done?
MCCRARY: Yes. Yes, I believe it was. It certainly appeared to be reasonable and pretty thorough. The key, we always say, with the crime scene is first to recognize what could be potential evidence, then to collect it and preserve it. And it looked as though they followed that procedure and got these items and then preserved them or turned them over to the FBI.
VAN SUSTEREN: Was there any opinion in the executive summary whether this was an accident or whether this was a suicide or a homicide?
MCCRARY: No, no opinions. It was just sort of a statement of fact as to what they did, what they found, where they found it, and just that, no opinions and no editorial comments in it.
VAN SUSTEREN: Did they indicate whether or not the room looked like there had been a fight or a struggle or ransacked?
MCCRARY: No, they didn't. They didn't. No indication of that. This was just sort of a list and a brief narrative as to what they found and where they found it.
VAN SUSTEREN: In looking at that executive summary of that Turkish police report, did you have any questions that you want to ask of the Turkish police?
MCCRARY: Well, it's hard from a summary like that. In other words, as you know, Greta, this has to be integrated into the overall investigation as far as -- then we have to integrate in interviews and where people were and what they said and all of that to see what -- see if we can piece this thing all together. So that's certainly a part of the puzzle, but it's obviously not the entire puzzle itself.
VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Greg. Thank you. I hope you come back as we continue to follow this story. Thank you, Greg.
MCCRARY: I'd be delighted to. Thank you.
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