
Election Day is 20 days away. The third and last presidential debate takes place Wednesday in Tempe, Ariz.

Laura Bush: 'Life Doesn't End'

So how does Laura Bush (search) think the presidency has changed her husband?

"George is a certainly grayer," the first lady told FOX News' Jim Angle, before quickly adding, "I think he still looks young."

Laura Bush talked about the difficulties of being first lady during such a critical time in the nation's history. "It's very difficult to serve as president of the United States, it's difficult on the family, you give up your anonymity and that's the one thing you lose. But it still is also a huge privilege to serve our country."

Mrs. Bush said she certainly hoped her husband wins a second term on Nov. 2, but she did "entertain" the idea that Sen. John Kerry could come out ahead.

"I hope he wins, because he makes the best president and he is the best president, but at the same time, if he doesn't, he doesn't. We just go on," she said. "Life doesn't end."

Edwards Knocks Bush's Pompom Days

Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., (search) has a theory about what was hidden underneath an unusual wrinkle that appeared on the back of President Bush's (search) suit jacket during his first debate with John Kerry.

"I think it was his battery," a grinning Edwards told Jay Leno on "The Tonight Show" Tuesday.

"I think tomorrow, before the debate, John Kerry ought to pat him down," Edwards said, referring to the final Bush-Kerry match-up scheduled for Wednesday in Arizona.

Making his second appearance on the comedian's stage this year, the Democratic vice presidential nominee was in turns silly and serious while chatting about issues from Iraq to chubby Secret Service (search) agents.

Leno asked Edwards if he could beat the president in a foot race.

Edwards, who said he jogged about five miles Tuesday, reminded the audience he played football as a student; Bush was on a cheering squad.

"[Bush] was on the side, with his pompoms," Edwards said. "I don't know, can you run fast with those cheerleading outfits on?"

During the first debate between the presidential candidates, a camera glimpsed what looked like a rectangular lump between Bush's shoulder blades. Bush's campaign aides have laughed off rampant Internet speculation that the president was wired to get help from advisers.

— The Associated Press

Different Kind of Bush-Kerry Debate

Illinois is not anybody's battleground state. Neither presidential campaign stops here.

But here it was on a chilly Tuesday night at Chicago's Union Station. The noisiest spot in this place was a small bar. It's a rest area, if you will, for people waiting for a train to take them home.

On every TV in the place was pre-game coverage of game 1 of the American League Championship Series between the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox. There was a buzz in the bar — and it wasn't over baseball.

In fact, few were watching the TV sets. Most were watching some other action.

At one corner of the bar there was a live one-on-one debate going on about who'd make a better president — George W. Bush or John Kerry.

The Kerry debater was louder, "Gasoline's $2.18 a gallon. Are you telling me Bush and his friends in the oil industry are upset about that?!"

The Bush debater talked less, smiled and sipped his beer more.

Don't let anybody tell you this election has turned off people in this country.

I've seen that isn't so.

— By FOX News' Steve Brown

Poll Watch


Kerry comes out on top of a new CBS poll, 48 percent to Bush's 45 percent. Independent Ralph Nader takes 2 percent in the survey of 760 likely voters. The margin of error is plus-or-minus 3.6 percent.


Battleground alert. Kerry up 49 percent to Bush's 47 percent in the Quinnipiac University poll of 1,347 likely voters. This compares to a 49-46 percent Kerry lead among likely voters in a Sept. 28 poll.

Ad Wars

Ad: 'Complicated Plan'
Sponsor: Bush-Cheney campaign

VOICE OVER: John Kerry and liberals in Congress have a health care plan for you. A big-government take over. $1.5 trillion. Rationing. Less access. Fewer choices. Long waits. And Washington bureaucrats — not your doctor — make final decisions on your health. So if you need treatment all you have to do is ... You get the picture. John Kerry and liberals in Congress. Big government-run healthcare.

PRESIDENT BUSH: I'm George W. Bush and I approve this message.

Ad: 'RX Drugs'
Sponsor: Kerry-Edwards Campaign

JOHN KERRY: For the last four years, one man has stood between America and lower-cost prescription drugs. George Bush. As president, I'll fight to allow Americans to import lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada. And I'll make it legal for Medicare to make bulk purchases, guaranteeing a better price for Americans. We can have lower-cost prescription drugs in America. All it takes is a president who will fight to make it happen. I'm John Kerry and I approve this message.

Ad: 'Your Doctor'
Sponsor: Bush-Cheney campaign

VOICE OVER: John Kerry and liberals in Congress have a health care plan. It includes the IRS, Treasury Department and several massive new government agencies. Your doctor? In here somewhere, but not in charge. This $1.5 trillion government program puts bureaucrats, not your doctor ... in charge of your health care decisions. One more reason we can't risk the liberals in Congress and John Kerry.

PRESIDENT BUSH: I'm George W. Bush and I approve this message.

Funny Files

"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno"

"The election is just three weeks away from today. Think about it. Over 100 million Americans will go to the polls, and almost half of that number will have their votes counted. That is real progress."

"I read today in the Times that John Kerry has now received the endorsement from the National Marijuana Party. Well, good luck getting those people out to the polls."

"Ralph Nader has conceded that he won't win a single state in the election. You think it was tough on Nader to make that announcement? You should have seen his supporter."

"President Bush practicing hard for this one. All day long he's been walking around saying to himself, 'Internet, Internet."'

"President Bush apparently had a hard time getting past reporters and leaving the auditorium in St. Louis last week at the last debate. How amazing is that? Bush not having an exit strategy. That's amazing."

"This is interesting. According to a survey by the premier dating service for busy professionals, 49 percent of single women said they would rather go on a date with Bush, 33 percent with Kerry and 15 percent with Nader. I don't know, women, are any of these guys really dream dates? With Ralph Nader you have to pay, with John Kerry he keeps asking how much money you have, and with George Bush, halfway through the date he starts choking on a pretzel."

"A lot of talk in political circles now about amending the U.S. Constitution so people born in other countries can run for president. Apparently, this is part of President Bush's plan to outsource the presidency."

"Late Late Show with David Alan Grier"

"On health care reform, the president says Kerry proves he's against good medical care by running with a trial lawyer. Bush shows he's for it by running with a patient."

FOX News' Corbett Riner contributed to this report.