
Join host Brit Hume and FOX's Team Washington weekdays at 6 p.m. ET for "Special Report" — Find out what's happening inside the Beltway and on the world stage.

• Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in a diplomatic trip to the Mideast is urging Israelis and Palestinians to capitalize on the opportunity for peace and cooperation offered by Israel's unilateral pullout from the long-occupied Gaza Strip. Can Secretary Rice win a deal on Israeli-Palestinian border issues? James Rosen has a report.

• President Bush embarks today on an eight-day Asian trip with a full plate from preparing for a possible bird flu pandemic to boosting global free-trade talks. Carl Cameron has a preview of the trip in a live report from Kyoto, Japan.

• Then, in Iraq, a car bomb detonated near one of the main gates leading into the fortified Green Zone in central Baghdad, killing two South Africans and wounding three others working for a U.S. contractor. Bret Baier files this report from the Pentagon.

• And documents released today on Supreme Court justice nominee Samuel Alito revealed that he was proud to have worked on cases that argued there is no constitutional right to an abortion. What do these comments mean for the future of his nomination? Megyn Kendall has a report.

• Also, a leading critic of the Bush administration's handling of the war, Democratic Senator Carl Levin is stating some tough rhetoric these days. How much is actually true? Brian Wilson takes a look.

• Plus, the French Cabinet today approved a three-month extension of emergency police powers to subdue the wave of suburban unrest that has swept the country, despite a gradual fall-off in the level of violence. Greg Palkot has the latest from Paris.

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About the Show

Anchored by Washington news veteran Brit Hume, "Special Report with Brit Hume" provides an in-depth look at the day's news and offers a daily topical discussion of political issues impacting the nation.

Hume serves as host to key newsmakers, political pundits and FOX News contributors exchanging views about political matters from taxes and Social Security to international affairs and the political scandal of the day.

Hume brings a historical perspective to the political scene that is rarely rivaled. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., he has covered the policies, procedures and players in the national game called politics for more than 30 years. The Baltimore Sun referred to him as "the very personification of the political establishment."

Each program features a two-minute segment called The Grapevine, which reels off the latest outrageous news nuggets, political poll results and in-the-Beltway gossip that viewers will not see on any other news program. The New York Daily News describes The Grapevine as a must see that, "will make you sound smart around the water cooler… the next day."

FOX News' Team Washington provides live reports from the White House, Capitol Hill, the Supreme Court and key federal agencies. Seasoned correspondents explore political hot spots, races and legislative battles being waged around the nation and abroad.

Hume wraps up each program with a lively roundtable discussion featuring Mara Liasson of National Public Radio, Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard and Mort Kondracke of Roll Call.

And more people watch FNC's Primetime than all of the cable news competition combined!

— Guests and topics are subject to change