
Weekdays at 3 p.m. in the East and high noon in the West!

The news begins anew with "Studio B"...

U.S. commanders step up training of Iraqi special police. Retired Marine Lt. Col. Bill Cowan weighs in.

Then, a new study finds that coaching during childbirth makes little difference, and that coached women gave birth only minutes faster. We'll get reaction from Dr. Steven Garner of New York Methodist Hospital.

Plus, what exactly is hi-definition television or HDTV? We'll ask tech expert Robin Liss.

Real journalism: fair and balanced. That's why we're No. 1 — FOX News Channel.

About the Show

Join Shepard Smith every Monday through Friday at 3 p.m. ET for FOX News Channel's daytime show "Studio B."

We'll bring you the biggest stories of the day, including interviews with today's top newsmakers.

Become part of the mix and get your voice heard... drop us an e-mail at studiob@foxnews.com.

"Studio B with Shepard Smith" is one of the reasons that FOX News Channel is the most watched news network in daytime.

Note: Topics subject to change