
Tonight on Special Report with Brit Hume:

Jim Angle reports: One year to the day the nation changes forever, Americans pause to remember the unforgettable ... and to imagine a world where the unimaginable will never happen again. And we give you the latest on how the president commemorated this day.

Guests' preview:
•  Lynne Cheney, author and wife of Vice President Richard Cheney, joins us to discuss the one year mark of the tragedy that rocked the nation.
•  FOX News contributor Michael Barone gives us some insight on the primary results.


•  Bret Baier reports: Soon after President Bush's speech to the United Nations, where he will lay out the case for ousting Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, U.S. Central Command headquarters will begin moving from Tampa, Fla., to an air base in Qatar, highly placed U.S. military sources tell FOX News.

•  Carl Cameron reports: Who was the key provider of the information that led to the raising of the terrorist threat alert to code orange? Join us for the latest update.

•  Amy Kellogg reports: Yasser Arafat sets Jan. 20 as the date for presidential and parliamentary elections — a surprise move expected to displease the United States, which had sought a delay that might help sideline the Palestinian leader.

•  Major Garrett reports: Several surprises mark the results from Sept. 10's party primaries around the country. Former Attorney General Janet Reno, an early favorite to get the Democratic nod in Florida's governor's race, is trying to catch up to the new guy on the block, attorney Bill McBride, for the right to face Gov. Jeb Bush in November.

•  Plus, live reports from Eric Shawn (Ground Zero) and Jeff Golblatt (Shanksville, Penn.).

Details on this story and more on Special Report with Brit Hume.
— Guests and topics are subject to change