
Today on "Special Report":

Jennifer Griffin reports: Hamas spiritual leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin (search) was killed in an Israeli airstrike early Monday -- Palestinian militant groups vow revenge and retaliation not only against Israel but the United States as well.

James Rosen reports: How will this latest Middle East (search) violence escalate on the world stage?

Jim Angle reports: In his new book and during an interview on "60 Minutes," former White House aide Richard Clarke (search) says he repeatedly warned the Bush administration about Al Qaeda and that his warnings were ignored. How has the White House responded? We'll have a full report.

Bret Baier reports: The latest news from Pakistan (search).

Major Garrett reports: What is 'The Kerry Spendometer?' And, how will it affect the White House race?

Orlando Salinas reports: Democrats in Florida are attempting to court the Cuban-American (search) voters. We'll have details.

Details on those stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume at 6 p.m. ET.

— Guests and topics are subject to change