
Tonight... get on the record with Greta!

Following Howard Dean’s slip and John Kerry’s surge (search) in Iowa, how important is Thursday night’s Democratic debate on Fox News Channel? In a word... Crucial.

We’ll have a special preview of tomorrow night's Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate on tonight’s edition of "On the Record."

Plus, we'll talk with Arizona Republican Senator John McCain about President Bush's State of the Union address last night and the president's plan for the country.

Then frightening new allegations are surfacing about Iran. Has one of the world's most dangerous nations taken a crucial step in producing nuclear weapons? We'll ask Fox News Contributor and "Washington Times" National Security Correspondent Bill Gertz to go on the record.

And later, an update on the Terri Schiavo (search) case. We'll tell you about the new motion that's just been filed in this case by Florida Governor Jeb Bush (search).

Also, a new judge has been appointed in the Peterson trial (search). We'll have the details.

All these stories and much, much more!

Watch "On the Record" tonight at 10 p.m. ET!

--All topics and guests subject to change.

--The Associated Press contributed to this story.