
Today on Special Report ...

Just six days until the Iowa Democratic caucuses and the race is very tight. Will frontrunner Howard Dean (search) be able to keep his lead?

GUEST PREVIEW: Alarming new discoveries in the hunt for weapons of mass destruction -- FOX News Foreign Affairs Analyst Mansoor Ijaz gives the details.

Carl Cameron reports: As the Iowa race heads into the home stretch -- We'll get a live update from the campaign trail in Iowa.

Alyson Camerota reports: Two Democratic presidential hopefuls chose to sit out Iowa -- But they are pulling out all the stops in New Hampshire. We'll have the details.

Jim Angle reports: President Bush (search) makes an important announcement regarding our neighbors to the north. Get a full report.

Bret Baier reports: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (search) addresses recent media reports about former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill (search). We'll have the highlights.

Dana Lewis reports: Flying a helicopter in Iraq can be very dangerous, but also rewarding.

Details on those stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume at 6 p.m. ET.

— Guests and topics are subject to change