
Tonight...go on the record...with Greta!  New revelations about weapons of mass destruction have raised concerns about both smallpox and anthrax. We'll tell you about it tonight.

First, we'll look at recent revelations of a bio-terror test that involved civilians and smallpox in 1971. The test took place in a city in the former Soviet Union. This frightening, but all-too-real scenario resulted in three deaths and a frenzied vaccination effort. What can we learn from the long suppressed accounts of this test? We'll talk with an physician who has been investigating the situation.

Then, where do we stand on the investigation into the anthrax attacks last year? Reportedly, five different people have identified the same mad man. So why hasn't the government made any arrests? We'll talk with a scientist who says she can identify the anthrax killer when she goes on the record with Greta tonight.

Plus, new revelations in the search for missing 14 year-old Elizabeth Smart in Salt Lake City. Could an open garage door on the night of the abduction have given an intruder access to Elizabeth? We'll have the latest from Salt Lake City.

Also, we continue to report on the Smart case, we also want to tell you about other missing child cases you can help authorities solve. Tonight, we'll look at the case of 16 year old Molly Bish who was abducted in Massachusetts in 2000. For more information on this case please go to mollybish.org.

Join us this evening at 10 p.m. ET for On the Record With Greta Van Susteren, only on the FOX News Channel.

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