
Veteran newscaster John Gibson gets to the core of the most salient issues facing America today as host of FNC's hard-hitting primetime show The Big Story with John Gibson, airing Monday through Friday at 5 p.m. ET, with expert legal analysis from Judge Andrew Napolitano and in-depth field reports from correspondent Heather Nauert.

April 14:

With Iraq neutralized, the "axis of evil" has an opening and there are serveral rogue states you could put on the list
Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard

As the world's only superpower, America has to consider the inherent difficulties of leadership
Niall Ferguson, author of Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power

Now that Saddam Hussein is out of power, all kinds of Iraqis will be called upon to help fill the leadership void
Dilip Hiro, author of Iraq: In the Eye of the Storm

The U.S. government is taking bids from companies who want to get in on the rebuilding of Iraq
Neil King of The Wall Street Journal

Following an unchecked frenzy of looting, the famed Iraq National Museum home of extraordinary Babylonian, Sumerian and Assyrian collections and rare Islamic texts now sits empty
Philippe de Montebello, director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art

If weapons of mass destruction are discovered in Iraq, the U.S. comes the new owner and may be legally obligated to call in weapons inspectors to oversee them
• Judge Andrew Napolitano, FNC senior judicial analyst

Be sure to tune into The Big Story with John Gibson ... weekdays at 5 p.m. ET.

Note: All guests and topics subject to change