
Watch "The Big Story Weekend" Saturday and Sunday at 10 p.m. ET!


"Kong" is king at the box office, but alleged racism has critics going ape! We'll investigate.

According to a New York Times report, President Bush authorized the National Security Agency to monitor international phone calls and international e-mails of Americans and others inside the United States — without getting search warrants — following the Sept. 11 attacks. We'll get reaction from FOX News legal analyst Mercedes Colwin.

Then, the road to democracy. Millions of Iraqis turned out for the historic elections Thursday with little reported violence. We'll have the latest.


College controversy! Should illegal immigrants living in California receive in-state college tuition?

Plus, who will TIME magazine's person of the year be?

These stories and much more! Don't touch that dial!

Real journalism: fair and balanced. That's why we're No. 1 — FOX News Channel.