
The government wants more security on international flights, demanding that air marshals (search) be stationed on board foreign planes flying into the United States.

Will that ruffle some feathers? We’ll ask Capt. Steve Blankenship, a pilot with American Airlines and the communication chairman at the Allied Pilots Association.

Plus, could Al Qaeda's next attack have nothing to do with a plane at all? Recent reports indicate the cruise line industry could be the terror target of choice. Are we safe on the seas? We’ll get insight from Miami Police Chief John Timoney.

Is Saddam Hussein spilling the beans? A member of Iraq's Governing Council says Saddam is giving up valuable information on stashed weapons and cash. But can we trust this source and can we expect to find these weapons anytime soon? Retired U.S. Army Maj. Bob Bevelacqua, FNC military analyst, joins the debate.

Could bad beef be a financial bust for Western states? We’ll examine what’s at stake with Greg Doud, an economist at the National Cattlemens' Beef Association.

Democratic presidential hopeful Howard Dean is taking the wraps off his plan to rebuild America's cities. But will $100 billion translate into a million new jobs? We’ll get a fair and balanced debate from Republican strategist Cheri Jacobus and radio talk show host Nancy Skinner.

We’ll take the market’s temperature with Scotty George, chairman of du Pasquier Asset Management, and Larry Wachtel, market analyst at Wachovia Securities.

Plus, will rising admission prices stop moviegoers from seeing their favorite flick? We’ll ask Christy Lemire, entertainment writer for the Associated Press.

And, looking to start the New Year off with a bang? Ken Shea, managing director of U.S. global research for Standard and Poor's, has 40 power stocks for 2004!

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