
Tony Blair's bodyguard caused panic at an Israeli airport after he accidentally fired his handgun.

The International Mideast peace envoy's guard mistakenly fired outside the terminal building Tuesday at Ben-Gurion International Airport. No one was injured in the accident, which occurred around 3 p.m. local time.

The former British prime minister and his security team were preparing to leave Israel at the time.

The airport's security guards and police rushed to the scene. Officers said the incident was due to an error by the bodyguard.

The incident is the second weapon gaffe to befall one of Blair's security team.

In September, another one of his guards was removed from "operational duties" after she left a loaded handgun behind in a London coffee shop.

The close protection officer mistakenly left her Glock 17 semi-automatic pistol in a Starbucks bathroom.

It was recovered by staff, who called police.

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