
Robert R. Nigh, Jr. is one of the attorneys representing Timothy McVeigh.

Since 1996, Nigh has been sole practitioner in his Tulsa-based practice limited to federal criminal defense. He previously served as assistant federal defender with the Federal Public Defender's Office in Lincoln, Nebraska, and Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Nigh was an attorney with Jones, Bryant & Nigh from 1986 to 1989, with a practice in civil and criminal cases in federal, state and municipal courts. His criminal practice included federal criminal defense and general state court felony defense.

Nigh is a graduate of William Jewell College, Liberty Missouri, where he earned a bachelor's degree in history and business administration. He graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Law in 1985 with a juris doctorate. Nigh served as a member of the board of directors, Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, from 1991 to 1994.

He has been married since 1983 to the former Sharon Ryer of Santee, San Diego County.

-- Information courtesy of KWTV.com