
Watch "DaySide with Linda Vester" weekdays at 1 p.m. ET
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NAACP Spat: Senator John Kerry addresses the NAACP (search) convention Thursday morning. President Bush was also invited, but declined. Which candidate has the best chance of securing the votes of African Americans? We’ll ask FOX News political analysts Rich Lowry and Ellis Henican.

Scott's own Words: The judge in the Scott Peterson trial has just seen a TV interview Scott did before he was arrested. Should  jurors get to see it too? We’ll ask Stan Goldman, FOX News legal editor.

Common Profile: Workplace shootings leave blood-spattered offices and terrified witnesses. But is there a common thread that connects them all? Stephanie Armour, workplace reporter for USA Today, reveals the profile of a workplace shooter.

Al Qaeda Captured: A giant crackdown on local criminals in Iraq catches several Al Qaeda terrorists as well. We'll take you live to Baghdad for the details.

Cyber-Sleuth: A burglary in progress is caught by an ordinary citizen, surfing the Internet. Find out how she helped police nab some robbers, hundreds of miles away!

Those stories and the latest editions of Only on Fox and Stupid Criminals on today's edition of "DaySide with Linda Vester."

About the Show:

DaySide with Linda Vester, FOX News Channel's brand new daytime talk show, takes you beyond the headlines for a closer look at the stories that newsmakers and your neighbors are talking about.

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DaySide with Linda Vester airs weekdays at 1 p.m. ET. You won't want to miss it!