
Thumbs up for "Down with Love," thumbs down for "The In-Laws" and "Hollywood Homicide," and "Italian Job" well done in today's Foxlight.

New on DVD this week -- maybe someone will finally see the underloved "Down with Love." Proof positive that Ewan McGregor can do anything, as if we needed more evidence after "Moulin Rouge."

He's a Rock Hudson to Renee Zellweger's Doris Day. Well, the movie-styled Rock Hudson that dug women. The whole thing is a wild send-up of 60s farce, right down to the music and opening credits. And watch for New York backgrounds that repeat over and over again during the cab rides. Classic.

Now for the bad news in the remake department. Michael Douglas and Albert Brooks should be shot right after they shoot their agents for trying to Xerox a real classic like "The In-Laws." The only reason I'm glad this is out is to encourage everyone to rent the original with Peter Falk and Alan Arkin.

Another eyeball roller has Harrison Ford teamed up with Josh Hartnett -- there's a dream buddy-cop team -- for "Hollywood Homicide." Harrison, start rolling on the new "Indiana Jones" movie before you need to be computer generated.

Finally, a summer surprise that also takes place in Hollywood but is a lot more fun. It's another remake, but this time they seem to know what they're doing with "The Italian Job." Charlize Theron and Mark Wahlberg look they're having as much fun as the rest of us. "Job" well done.