
Avril's "Complicated" life, P. Diddy takes on Broadway and politics and a big win for Michael Moore in today's Foxlight.

Avril Lavigne (search) says she had it tough coming up. She had to sing in county fair contests and won $1,000 when she was 13. So what does she think of "American Idol?" Not much. The songbird sourpuss says she couldn't stand being told what to sing, what to wear and how to act. She's never had a producer? She says it's all about freedom.

P. Diddy (search) is having the last laugh on Broadway, where his revival of "Raisin in the Sun" is having it's day in the sun, selling out the house to a whole new generation of theatergoers. So what's next? Diddy is putting a summer MTV show together -- not on music, but politics. He wants ordinary people to ask presidential candidates hard questions. The questions aren't the hard part. It's getting people to vote. So far Kerry and Bush spokespeople say they welcome the show idea.

Finally, congratulations to Michael Moore (search) on winning that big-shot French film award. Suddenly I bet it gets a distributor after Disney wimped out. But really, Michael, are you a fair and balanced documentary filmmaker? One new book coming out soon says no. It claims Moore plays fast and loose with facts. And the title they award him? 'Crockumentary' filmmaker.