
The Democrats wrapped up their 44th national convention on Thursday, nominating John Kerry and John Edwards as their team to tackle President Bush and Vice President Cheney in November. For a wrap of the week, click on the links below.

MONDAY: The party's standard-bearers from years past took to the podium. Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Jimmy Carter all took turns praising Kerry and criticizing Bush's handling of the last four years.

TUESDAY: The night was capped by something that had never happened at a political convention, the nominee's wife — Teresa Heinz Kerry — was given the most prominent speaking slot. But it was another speaker, Senate candidate Barack Obama from Illinois, who had people talking about seeing a possible future president in the making.

WEDNESDAY: John Edwards capped the night, giving the running-mate's address. The senator from North Carolina, who ran against Kerry in the primaries, promised delegates that "hope is on the way."

THURSDAY: Kerry accepted the Democratic nomination for president and made one of the week's most pointed criticisms of the Bush-Cheney years. Kerry vowed to be strong militarily and to fight when needed but he avoided issues like abortion and made only a veiled reference to gay marriage.

VIDEO: Missed any of the big speeches? FOXNews.com provides free access to all of the speeches mentioned above and then some. One to definitely watch: Al Sharpton throwing away his prepared remarks and launching into a spirited assault of the Bush administration.