
A 71-year-old Texas waitress received the "best" tip of her career — a horse.

"All this started about a week and a half ago when I was waiting tables," A.D. Carrol told the Houston Chronicle. ""There were two men drinking coffee and I had to ask them to move to make way for a larger group. One of the men just asked me if I wanted a horse. I said, 'sure.' Two days later he came back with the trainer's phone number and Mailman was mine."

Mailman Express, a 5-year-old ex-race horse, has a weak leg, but can still be ridden and trained to jump.

Carrol told the newspaper she used to ride her daughter-in-law's horses about every week, and would be riding Mailman for pleasure.

"Over the years I've gotten some pretty big tips," she told the Houston Chronicle. "Once in San Francisco I got $600. And another time I got $500. But this one is the best of all."

In addition to Mailman, Carrol has two dogs and 16 cats.

Click here to read more on this story from the Houston Chronicle.