
About the only thing worse than doing your federal income taxes is doing them incorrectly. Make no mistake, if you mess up your federal tax return you will be sorry.

Here's a list of the most common blunders for you to avoid:

• Social Security numbers that don't match names

This is a big one. Marriage, divorce, adoption - there are a lot of reasons names change but if the Social Security administration didn't get the memo, then the IRS won't know who you are. So, make sure both agencies have the same information on you and any dependents you claim.

• Incorrect filing status

This seems like a no-brainer: you're either single or married. But can you claim head of a household? Only if you're single and pay more than half the cost of a qualifying dependent. Otherwise leave this one alone.

• Taking credits you don't deserve.

Earned income and child tax credits are the most common culprits. Make sure you qualify.

• Math Errors

Simple math is always a problem. Check and double-check your figures.

• Forgetting to sign.

Lots of people forget and joint filers often skip one spouse's signature. Make sure you don't.