
Talking Points memo this evening is about you and the terrorists.  This morning I addressed a large gathering in Boston, and a guy asked me what individual Americans could do to help in the war on terrorism.  We've seen the massive generosity of Americans in donating money, $1 billion, and we've also seen big problems in getting that money to people who need it.

Talking Points has also witnessed firsthand the patience of Americans waiting in lines at the airports and other public places as the security wheels are not always efficient.  At this point, 90 percent of Americans are supporting the president and doing everything they can for their country.

There are just a few things more that we can do.  First, fight your fear.  Don't act irrationally, especially around your children.  Accept the fact we're in a war and courage is needed.  Encourage that courage in your kids.

Secondly, if somebody's out of line at the airport or anywhere else, stay calm.  Today, a Delta ticket agent was unbelievably foolish in my presence.  I calmly wrote down her name and asked to speak to her supervisor, who cleared things up in ten seconds. 

Just because we're at war, doesn't mean you have to accept bad or poor service, but don't make a scene.  Take names, document the problem, but nobody has a right to touch you at any security thing without your permission, or be abusive to you anywhere.  Americans actually help each other by pressuring the airlines or whomever to perform professionally. 

Finally, recognize that there is evil in the world and resolve not to accept it.  Don't waiver.  The No Spin Zone book, which is out a week from today, chronicles the fight against evil in America and evil can't win if good people hit it right in the head.  And that's the memo.

Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

Time now for the "Most Ridiculous Item of the Day."

Anti-logging demonstrator Matthew Hill climbed a big tree in the Tillamook State Forest in Oregon and vowed to stay there until he got his cause noticed.  After spending 48 hours aloft, Matthew fell asleep, uh-oh, and then fell 60 feet to the ground.  He's in intensive care.  And the ridiculous thing is, if you're not an owl, don't do that.

— You can watch Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points weeknights at 8 & 11p.m. ET.  And send your comments to: oreilly@foxnews.com