
A car bomb exploded outside a Shiite mosque packed with worshippers celebrating a major Muslim holiday Friday, and a homicide driver blew up an ambulance at the wedding of a Shiite couple south of the capital. At least 21 people died and dozens were wounded — including the bride and groom.

The attacks came a day after Iraq's most feared terror leader, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (search), denounced Shiites in a recording that appeared aimed at sowing division ahead of the Jan. 30 elections. Shiites, long the oppressed majority in Iraq, are expected to take power in the balloting, which Sunni Muslim extremists have vowed to disrupt.

As the survivors of Saddam's regime get ready to go to the polls, will the Iraqi elections be open, fair and safe? We'll ask America's man in Baghdad, Ambassador John Negroponte.

President Bush puts dictators around the world on notice. Is it the United States' job to end tyranny? We’ll ask two influential lawmakers, Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.

Plus, how does the president turn his ideals into reality? We'll ask our power panel of political pundits, Brit Hume, FOX News Washington managing editor, and FOX News contributors Mara Liasson of National Public Radio; Bill Kristol of The Weekly Standard, and Juan Williams of National Public Radio.

And, the Power Player of the Week is bringing change to the world — one vote at a time.