
Just in time for the holidays, scientists are delivering some good news for champagne lovers. They say drinking a few glasses of bubbly is actually good for the heart, the U.K.’s Daily Telegraph reported.

In a report, which will be published in the British Journal of Nutrition this week, a team of researchers found that champagne has the same health benefits as previously found in red wine.

The health benefits come from polyphenol antioxidants, which many studies have shown can reduce the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

"We have found that a couple of glasses a day has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, which suggests champagne has the potential to reduce strokes and heart disease,” Dr. Jeremy Spencer of Reading University, who led the study, told the newspaper. "It is very exciting news."

And if you’re running low on cash, cheaper champagne alternatives such as cava and Prosecco have also been found to contain the antioxidants.

Click here to read more from the Daily Telegraph.