
Hollywood's long fascination with the military is taking flight once again in this weekend's new action thriller "Stealth" (search).

Fresh off last year's Oscar win, Jamie Foxx (search) teams with Josh Lucas (search) and Jessica Biel (search) as elite fighter pilots ordered to fly alongside a robot jet.

The cast did most of the combat filming in a flight simulator, which Lucas said was mighty realistic.

"I got pretty bashed up because the device created for the film could do many of the acrobatic moves that these planes could actually do," he told FOX News.

For Biel, the allure was her character's girl-power appeal.

"This strong, confident, equal woman existing in this boys' club drew me in more than anything," she said.

And while the story is fiction, unmanned planes have seen plenty of action in the War on Terror.

"These unmanned combat aerial vehicles are not a fiction of mine — they can't do everything that I have them do in the film — but the fact is they are being deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq," director Rob Cohen said.

For Foxx, all he needed to get into character was the uniform.

"It gives you theme music, you walk in slow motion and stuff ... it's great," he said, adding that he's "a geek for the planes."

FOX News' Mike Waco and Anita Vogel contributed to this report.

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