
Spidey, Jodie Foster as a nun and Ya-Ya-Sisterhood all in the new on video and DVD glare of The Foxlight.

Can Spider-Man possibly make any more money? You bet your worldwide web it can. Lots of deleted scenes and hours of behind-the-scenes documentaries could turn make anyone arachnophobic. One interesting side note, according to a recent Cosmopolitan photo spread, Tobey Maguire isn't quite as buff as he was for the movie. Maybe he needs to wrap himself in a spidey-girdle. I'm sure he'll hit the gym before the sequel.

Next, an mix of live action and cartoon segments highlight the very overlooked Dangerous Lives of Alter Boys. But hey, you get Jodie Foster as a nun riding a motorcycle. OK, maybe it's more of a moped. Still, this coming of age tale may be perfect for the smaller screen. And P.S., despite the title, it has nothing to do with recent Catholic woes concerning overly attentive priests.

Finally, chick flicks don't get much more blatant than Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Ellen Burstyn, Ashley Judd and Sandra Bullock head the estrogen festival. It's all very mother-daughterly and yada-yada-yada-'ya-ya.' Bring Kleenex.