
We're halfway through the week and here are just a few of the things we've learned so far:

Congress, beyond not reading these bills, is not even writing these bills. They are being written by a vast network that is not conspiratorial — it is completely out and wide open — yet the media refuses to report on them.

Organizations that are filled with socialists, communists, revolutionaries. Organizations that pull their members from legitimate businesses, politicians and from groups that most Americans have never heard of, like Movement for a Democratic Society — a group started by members of the Communist Party USA, other radicals and Socialists of America.

I have demonstrated these radicals are not only instrumental in shaping legislation that's being jammed through, but are also -- by invitation -- personally advising the president of the United States.

And again the media remains silent.

These are facts — not opinions. I want to point out the silence; no one has challenged these facts — they just attack me personally.

Day 3 and the White House remains silent. Yet they have e-mailed my show during the broadcast, only to refute that these people are not "czars," they are "special advisers." One would think if all of this weren't true, they would worry about the labels "communist" or "revolutionary," not "special adviser."

I've also showed you the framework that — to quote Barack Obama — is "fundamentally transforming America." But this is much bigger than Barack Obama. Powerful special interest groups began to lay this framework over the last few years.

Remember the Green Jobs Act during the Bush administration? Many on Capitol Hill voted for it because they claimed it was unfunded with meaningless language, tucked into a 900-page bill. Heck, it only asked for $125 million (requested by the special interest group, the Apollo Alliance).

Now, that meaningless, unfunded, green act doesn't have $125 million, but rather $500 million that was — to use green jobs "czar" Van Jones' word — "smuggled" into the stimulus bill.

That money is now being funneled by Van Jones (a self-proclaimed revolutionary communist) to organizations and programs of his design and choosing. Oh, and he sits on the board of the Apollo Alliance.

What new "harmless compromises" do we have to look forward to in the health care bills with these radical wolves that are about to devour our republic?

I've told you the three mottos that I have personally adopted: Question with boldness; hold to the truth, and speak without fear.

This information is not being reported on just because the media can't be piece together quickly enough what is happening or they somehow agree with this revolutionary agenda — but fear also plays a big role. People have too much to lose.

As a recovering alcoholic, I've already lost everything once; I'm better and stronger for it. I didn't need a bailout; I needed to rediscover my principles. I've told my audience for years after I sobered up that I was a dirt-bag — I try my hardest not to be now, but I still make mistakes. They can take my job or my wealth — that's OK because I've been rich and I've been poor. But I was only truly miserable when I was lying to myself or others. And because some of those principles that I've rediscovered and applied to my life are the founding principles of this country.

I know that even if the current powers that be succeed in making me poor again, I will only be stronger for it. And American ingenuity will find another way to get this message out on a platform 1,000 times more powerful.

Because of my faith, I know how this story ends: America prepare to witness mighty, powerful miracles in your lifetime.

I am going to offer up evidence that part of the strategy of the fundamental transformation of America is to silence dissent.

Let me show you one of the most diabolical hidden parts of the plan, that quite honestly when I finished my research on it last week, I wrote to a friend that for the first time, I am truly frightened.

It involves the new diversity "czar" at the FCC.

I have told you for a long time: Pay no attention to the Fairness Doctrine that would shut down voices like mine on the radio or voices like mine and Bill O'Reilly on TV. It's too obvious. They will do it through what's called "localism" and "diversity." The final piece of the argument will be against these giant corporate broadcast groups that have too much power (one of which will never be G.E.)

This has been my warning and my theory. A week and a half ago, I began to look into our FCC diversity "czar" Mark Lloyd. In his 2006 book, "Prologue to a Farce: Communications and Democracy in America," Lloyd wrote:

"It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press.... This freedom is all too often an exaggeration.... At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies."

Freedom of speech... is a distraction?

Localism boards are being created. Our diversity "czar" has just proposed that radio companies pay 100 percent of their operating budget, yearly. A 100 percent tax which would then be transferred to the state-run radio of NPR. If you can't pay that, you'd lose your license and it would be sold to minority group.

(In a completely unrelated fact, the FCC just approved the sale of another radio station — this one on Long Island — to ACORN.)

Speak without fear.

On global warming, people didn't speak because they didn't want to be seen as a Holocaust denier or a flat-Earther. So they passed "harmless legislation." Now we have half a billion dollars in the hands of a communist revolutionary, who describes his job as:


VAN JONES, GREEN JOBS CZAR: What I do, to kinda make it simple, I'm basically a community organizer inside the federal government.


And now because no one in their right mind is against diversity, people will be afraid of being called a racist or a bigot or a hatemonger.

Speak without fear or more "harmless legislation" will be passed and you will not be able to speak and you will experience the kind of fear that no one in this country has experienced before. All it will take is an "emergency."

God help us all.

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