
What Is It?

Soman was discovered in Germany in 1944. Doses that are potentially life threatening may be only slightly larger than those producing less effects. Soman is a colorless liquid when pure with a fruity odor. The industrial version is yellow-brown with a camphor-like odor. It works in a similar way as tabun in how it harms humans, but is about twice as toxic by inhalation.

What Are the Symptoms of Exposure?

Symptoms of overexposure may occur within minutes or hours, depending upon the dose. They include: miosis and visual effects, headaches and pressure sensation, runny nose and nasal congestion, salivation, tightness in the chest, nausea, vomiting, giddiness, anxiety, difficulty in thinking and sleeping, nightmares, muscle twitches, tremors, weakness, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, involuntary urination and defecation. Severe exposure symptoms progress to convulsions and respiratory failure.

How Is It Treated?

Same treatments as other nerve gases

Who Has It/Where Can It Be Found?

A chemical weapons elimination facility at Shchuchye in Russia was home to 2 million chemical artillery shells and warheads containing sarin, soman and VX. Various facilities throughout Europe housing such substances have been in the process of being dismantled.