
A quick trip around Hannity's America...

Socialist Paradise

We know the United Nations is incapable of addressing the North Korean crisis, so instead it is turning its attention to the global economy. The point person for its efforts is none other than the former second-in-command of the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, Miguel D'Escoto.

D'Escoto is hosting a major economic conference next month and is planning to propose a whole host of new bureaucracies, including the following: the global public goods authority, the global tax authority, the global competition authority, the global financial products safety commission and more.

And rest easy, The New York Times says that D'Escoto has been supported by a number of economic experts, including American economist Joseph Stiglitz, who Canada Free Press notes is an economic adviser to congressional Democrats and was a major Obama campaign donor.

I think that explains everything.

Stick to the Script!

We are forgoing Liberal Translation, but let not your heart be troubled, we're letting the White House speak for itself because its publicity offensive for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor needs no translation.

The following from Politico.com makes clear they sound more like an echo chamber than a source of original thought.

You'll love this:


ROBERT GIBBS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The president believes that her life story is a compelling one.

DAVID AXELROD, SENIOR OBAMA ADVISER: Her great life story, amazing life story.

VALERIE JARRETT, SENIOR OBAMA ADVISER: Not to mention her life story. Compelling personal story.

AXELROD: Raised in the South Bronx. She worked her way up. Graduated with high honors from Princeton, Yale Law Journal.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Was second in her class at Princeton University, Phi Beta Kappa, Yale Law School, Yale Law Journal.

GIBBS: She will bring more experience on the federal branch than anybody that's been appointed to the Supreme Court in 100 years.

AXELROD: She has broad experience, in fact, more experience on the federal bench than any appointee in the last 100 years.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nominated by President Bush for district judge and then by President Clinton for Circuit Court of Appeals.

VARRETT: Being appointed first by President Bush to the district court then by President Clinton to the appeals court.

GIBBS: This is somebody who was appointed by a Republican president and a Democratic president.


Good work, guys. It's got to take a lot of effort to stick so closely to all those left-wing radical, repetitive, boring talking points.


The Meltdown is brought to you by your Energy Secretary Steven Chu. Chu is across the pond this week at a Nobel Laureate symposium on climate change, and used his address Tuesday to discuss the need for everybody to paint their rooftops white in order to offset the effects of global warming.

The energy secretary said he's in favor of, "white roofs everywhere," and, "If you make the roofs white and you make the pavement more of a concrete type of color rather than a black type of color, and if you do that uniformly, well, that would be the equivalent of reducing the carbon emissions due to all the cars in the world by 11 years — just taking them off the road for 11 years."

So ladies and gentlemen, you need to get out your paint brushes and start painting your sidewalk and your roof.

Flag Controversy

Many Americans celebrated Memorial Day on Monday by flying Old Glory and remembering our fallen heroes. But one Texas woman whose daughter is actually serving in Iraq had a very different experience.

According to CBS News, Debbie McLucas hung a flag in her office before Memorial Day weekend, but when she came to work on Friday, her boss informed her that one of her colleagues and several patients in the hospital where she works found the American flag offensive.


DEBBIE MCLUCAS: I mean, I was — I was just totally speechless. I mean, it's like, you're kidding me. I was told immediately it wouldn't matter if it was only one person, it has to come down.


The story does not have a happy ending. Debbie's supervisor removed the flag from the wall, saying that the flag outside the hospital should provide enough patriotism to satisfy Debbie and be situated far enough away from those who were offended.

Now that's sad.

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