
This is a partial transcript from The O'Reilly Factor, August 12, 2003. Click here to order the complete transcript.

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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the Unresolved Problem segment tonight, as you may know, I have taken some heat for my analysis that gangster rap is generally harmful to American kids, the latest escapade.

While Snoop Dogg (search) is being sued by two women who claim his video Girls Gone Wild Doggie Style illegally displayed their bodies. In addition, the women say they were offered drugs to strip for that project.

Joining us now is Christopher Farley, senior editor at Time magazine who has interviewed Mr. Dogg a couple of times. You know, what's disturbing here is a continuing trend among many gangster rappers to break the law. And of course, the kids find out about this right away. It re-enforces their anti-establishment, pro-crime stance on the gangster rap records. Am I wrong?

CHRISTOPHER FARLEY, TIME MAGAZINE: Well you know, right now, this is just an allegation. So we have to see how it plays out. But in general, Snoop Doggy Dogg seemed like he was heading in a different way in his career. He was making mainstream films. He appeared in Training Day with Denzel Washington. He had his own movie Bones. So this is kind of a different veering off from the way he seemed to be going in terms of mainstream...

O'REILLY: Yes, but there's no question he went that way. Girls Gone Wild Doggie Style is his video. And it's basically girls stripping and doing lewd and lascivious things.

Now let me read you the sworn affidavit, because the guy's been already arrested in this. According to his sworn statement, Snoop Dogg and Girls Gone Wild impresario Joseph Francis did solicit, lure, entice, and pressure, through the use of their celebrity status, and through the offers of illegal narcotics such as marijuana and Ecstasy, [Two underage girls], with knowledge of their true age -- they knew they were under 18 according to this -- to disrobe and exposed their breasts for the purpose of use in the Girls Gone Wild film or production.

So this guy Francis has been arrested in Florida. And now this guy Dogg is being sued by these two women.

FARLEY: Yes, I'm not certain this is an indictment of hip-hop, so much as it is of the porn industry. You know, Joe Francis is facing criminal charges in Florida for getting underaged girls to strip for the camera.

O'REILLY: Right.

FARLEY: And he said on the run, you know, Snoop Doggy Dogg chose to do business with the guy. And now he's facing this lawsuit.

O'REILLY: Yes, but he knew who this guy was. I mean, this guy has been in trouble. But you say it's not an indictment of hip-hip. Look, I see gangster rap as not just music, but a lifestyle. Am I wrong?

FARLEY: Well you know, if the problem with gangster rap that you have is that gangster rap has violent lyrics, well a lot of great music has violent lyrics. Robert Johnson had some violent lyrics about gun play. Johnny Cash, you know, shot a man in Reno just to see him die in "Folsom Prison Blues." I mean, you listen to Nebraska, the album by Bruce Springsteen, he talks about serial killers.

O'REILLY: But isn't it the pervasive message though? But isn't it the pervasive message, rather than isolated incidents with Springsteen and Cash? It's pervasive in the sense that Snoop Dogg and these guys not only put out this trash, and I believe it is, all right, but they act it out as well.

I mean, this guy has a record. He's often seen smoking pot. You know, and you have little children, unsupervised children, children I'm sure you care about, all right, who are influenced by this behavior. And the underage stuff, you know, why would a guy who's making millions of dollars, Snoop Dogg, you know this guy, why would he engage in this at all?

FARLEY: Well and the thing is like you watch the Godfather films. Terrific films. There's pervasive violence in all three of those films. I wouldn't say scrap the trilogy. Those are great American films.

O'REILLY: Yes, but it's in context to what it is.

FARLEY: Well, I think if you listen closely to a lot of gangster rap, good gangster rap, Snoop Doggy Dogg's best stuff, the stuff on Doggie Style, it is in context. It isn't a moral context.

O'REILLY: All right, can you justify his participation in Girls Gone Wild Doggy Style? Can you?

FARLEY: Not in Girls Gone Wild. In his first solo album, yes.

O'REILLY: This is an extension of this man's whole persona, which is closely followed by children at risk.

FARLEY: I would say that's not the case. I would say there's no connection perhaps between the music and what happened with this Girls Gone Wild video with...

O'REILLY: There's no connection?

FARLEY: We’ve got to wait to see how that plays out in court. It's just an allegation right now.

O'REILLY: All right.

FARLEY: I'm just here to say that his first album is a very good album. I think it's a very thoughtful album. And I think it compares favorably to some other stuff just like that in country music and in rock and roll.

O'REILLY: See, for you, a mature man who is successful, I have no problem. I got a lot of problem with who Snoop Dogg is marketing to. But again, he's innocent until proven guilty. He's being sued. And we'll let everybody know what happens.

Mr. Farley, pleasure.

FARLEY: Hey, thanks for having me. Appreciate it.

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