
This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," June 8, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Welcome back to "Hannity & Colmes." I'm Alan Colmes.

Still to come, Howard Dean got some support today from the Democratic leadership, but has his controversial — have those comments divided the party beyond repair? We'll debate that.

First, we continue now with more on the investigation of the disappearance of teenager Natalee Holloway (search) in Aruba. Joining us from Massachusetts, the author of "Extreme Killing," Northeastern University criminologist Jack Levin. Here in our New York studio, FOX News legal analyst Lis Wiehl.

Jack, it looks like they don't have a whole lot to go on here. They're holding these people. They certainly — although he said tourism wasn't a factor — you think they're certainly aware of that. What do they really have at this point?

JACK LEVIN, NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY CRIMINOLOGIST: Well, you know, you're right, Alan. They have almost nothing. But in the Dutch system of justice, you can hold somebody for more than 100 days on suspicion without filing official charges.

So here, I doubt whether they have a crime scene. Otherwise, they wouldn't continue to talk about the possibility that Natalee was an accident victim or a victim of drowning. They still do that, so that means they don't have blood, they don't have fiber, they don't have hair.

I doubt whether they've seen anything in the apartment of the accused. I think they've seen nothing in the vehicle that may have transported her. What they do have is someone — the word of a couple of people, or maybe three guys with power and wealth in Aruba (search), who are trying to deflect responsibility and claiming that two security guards are responsible. I think that's pretty much what they've got.

COLMES: And, Lis, do you see it this way? Is there anything to the people who they already have in custody?

LIS WIEHL, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: I agree that they don't have forensics, because then they still wouldn't be talking about this as — they would have honed in on the charges. They would have said, "This is a homicide. This is a murder." So I agree with you on that.

But I'm not sure that it's just a deflection. I think what they could have done very wisely is separated these five out, one, two, three, four, five, and brought them all in separately and had heard their stories and believed in one or two or more of the stories that points to one or two or more of the people here.

SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: Lis, why would they say today that the three that they brought in today are suspects, and they said about the two that the charges have a relationship with the disappearance, and there is a reasonable suspicion that they may be involved? This is beginning not to make sense, in my view.

WIEHL: You know what, Sean? For once, I'm with you. I mean, I agree with you.

HANNITY: For once. For once you get it.

WIEHL: Well, don't go there. But no, I mean, it doesn't make sense that — you know, yesterday we were talking about this and the three were free to go. And now they're detained?

HANNITY: But there's one other — let me throw one other piece of works in here. Remember, the two have alibis. They have two witnesses that corroborate the story they were home asleep in bed.

WIEHL: But, Sean, oh, alibis.

HANNITY: Wait a minute.

WIEHL: I mean, come on. These are alibis of people's loved ones. I mean, anyone is going to say anything for someone they love.

HANNITY: Jack, I'm not really so sure about it. What I would like to see here, Jack — and this your area of expertise — I want some physical evidence of contact.

LEVIN: That's right.

HANNITY: Now, the three are admitting they were with her. So even if there was hair or fiber in the car, that would be a reasonable expectation.

LEVIN: That's true. But you see, you have got to put it in sequence. Originally, the police looked at the two security guards. The reason they looked at these two guards is because powerful and wealthy people, namely the three suspects that were just named today, said that these two security guards were somehow implicated.

Things did not pan out. Then the police looked at the three separately, I believe, and discovered that the three were probably as good a suspect as any of the ones that they had before.

HANNITY: And interesting, Lis, to add one other point to what Jack is saying, is that they say that they dropped her off at this hotel. And there were security cameras, apparently, that would have picked up on that, and those security cameras show no such drop-off in that location, which would put, I think, more suspicion on them.

WIEHL: But, Sean, isn't that what tells you is that we don't know which story to believe. It could be either the three saying they dropped her off, but there is no surveillance, or the two security guards.

And say what you want about the Aruba system, if the system is allowed to pick them up and keep them, and hold them, why not when we have got a missing girl and we don't know whether she's alive or dead?

COLMES: All right, we're going to have — Lis, we thank you, Jack.

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