
Of 32 million voting-age Latinos, only 8 million voted in the 2000 election. Actress Rosario Dawson (search) is trying to change that. Dawson, 25, and Latino youth advocate Phil Colon have together founded Voto Latino, a nonpartisan and nonprofit activist group that seeks to motivate young Latino voters.

On Aug. 30, a series of public service announcements produced by Voto Latino (search) will air on MTV and other networks, both English and Spanish, it was announced recently.

Dawson, whose films include "Men in Black II," "The Rundown" and the upcoming "Alexander," appears in a spot that she concludes with the group's catch phrase: "It's your country, represent." Rapper Fat Joe has also recorded a public service announcement, and Benjamin Bratt (search), John Leguizamo and singing duo Nina Sky are now producing ads.

"Our goal is to get 1 million Latino youth to go out and vote and to possibly decide this upcoming presidential election," Colon said in a statement.

Voto Latino is being supported by MTV's "Choose or Loose" voting campaign.