
The latest from the Political Grapevine:

Investigation Inappropriate?

Despite calls from Republicans and others for a congressional investigation into CBS' handling of those National Guard (search) memos, the chairman of the committee that would look into such a matter says a congressional investigation would be inappropriate.

Republican Congressman Joe Barton of Texas, chairman of the House Commerce Committee, says he doesn't believe the documents are authentic, but, "the oversight of network news generally is a matter best sorted out by the viewing public and the news media. ... it seems clear that the press and the two presidential campaigns are properly dealing with [the controversy]."

Rooney Says CBS Is "Wrong"

Speaking of the CBS documents controversy, veteran CBS Newsman and "60 Minutes" commentator Andy Rooney (search) says he's surprised at his own network's, "reluctance to concede they're wrong."

Rooney, quoted by the New York Daily News, calls Dan Rather a "good, honest newsman," but says the network may be "whistling in the dark" when it should be apologizing. What's more, Rooney says the controversy won't have an immediate effect on Rather's career, but, "it might have an effect on him six months from now."

A CBS spokeswoman, meanwhile, insists there has been no talk of Rather stepping down.

Kerry Critics

First there was the Vietnam Veterans Against Kerry (search), then came the anti-Kerry Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, and now there's the Football Fans for Truth, a new 527 group hoping to highlight John Kerry's, "unsuitability to be sportsman-in-chief."

A Green Bay Packers fan and a business partner, both Bush-Cheney fans, organized the group after Kerry, recently campaigning in Green Bay, called the football stadium there "Lambert Field," instead of "Lambeau Field." The group's founders, quoted by the Green Bay Press-Gazette, insist Kerry is a, "sports poser."

– FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report