
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the left is lining up to support convicted felon Robert Creamer, the patron saint of progressivism, who was recently crowned a lifetime achievement award for his wonderful work pushing the progressive agenda.

The Huffington Post, where Creamer blogs, called me a loser while in the same breath saying that all Creamer did was "float checks to keep a great progressive public interest organization alive that he was running at the time."

Oh, that's it? He only stole $2.3 million from banks? Geez, why am I so upset that this guy attended the White House state dinner and wrote the book that David Axelrod says is the "blueprint" for progressives?

And yes, progressives, as much as you try to excuse it: Taking money from a bank that isn't yours — even if you intend to someday pay it back or achieve social justice with it — is stealing.

Amazingly, this thief, who used his own trial as some kind of twisted PR campaign to glorify himself, now says this about me: "This is a man who lies about everything. He frames things in a conspiratorial, surreal light."

Let's get this straight: The man who swindled banks out of $2.3 million and cheated on his taxes says that I lie about everything?

What have I lied, about, Robert? Please, show me.

I'd love hear another explanation on the things we talk about. That's why I have a phone line just for the White House — because I want them to call! Maybe I'll give you the number and you can specify these "lies" of mine.

One of my big "lies" — according to the convicted felon whom the state of Illinois has deemed an official liar — is that influential people are being influenced by his book. Creamer doesn't agree, calling the claim "laughable" and saying: "I wish I had that much influence over the White House, but I don't."

Laughable? Let's see:

Creamer is married to a congresswoman from Illinois; he's a powerful Democratic lobbyist and well-known Democratic consultant, including at one time for the George Soros' funded Open Society Institute. He is so non-influential, his book gets rave marks as a "blueprint" for progressives from people with zero influence on American policy — including but not limited to:

• Senator Dick Durbin

• Senator Sherrod Brown

• John Podesta, president and CEO of the Center for American Progress

• Former Congresswoman Pat Schroeder

• Reverend Jesse Jackson

• Congressman Lloyd Doggett

• Congressman Jim McGovern

• Congressman John Lewis

• SEIU President Andy Stern

• Top Obama adviser, David Axelrod, who calls the book a "blueprint" for progressive victories

I am pretty sure Axelrod has the ear of the president. And isn't Andy Stern leading the way in visits to the White House?

So clearly Creamer has no connections — none. He's not so politically connected that even the judge in his trial considered recusing himself because he was well-connected in the Democratic Party in Illinois and his son-in-law worked for him.

No, Creamer is a regular Joe. So of course no one was paying attention when he laid out plans to achieve health care reform back in 2008. Thanks to Kyle Olsen of ACORNcracked.com, who sent in this audio clip:


ROBERT CREAMER: We have to create a sense that this is a historic battle. This is about you're being part of something that will make you meaningful.


A "historic battle" — gee, that sounds a little familiar:


SEN. JOHN KERRY, D-MASS.: This is going to be historical when we pass it.


SENATE MAJORITY LEADER HARRY REID, D-NEV.: What we're doing is truly historic.

PELOSI: We had a historic victory in the Congress of the United States.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Answer the call of history and vote yes for health insurance reform for America.


Remember, I lie about everything. He wants to "create a sense" that this is historic. And of course, any good Alinsky radical knows that you also need to create an enemy:


CREAMER: We need to reduce the credibility of the private insurance industry... This is a political campaign. We need to bring down the positives and bring up the negatives of our opponents. And the private insurance industry is our opponent in this battle.


Bring down the credibility of their opponents? It's almost like that's exactly what he's trying to do to me when he says that I lie about everything.

But I digress.

Creamer was talking about those evil insurance companies — the ones who just reaped in those "windfall profit margins" of 2 percent. Has anybody the insurance companies look evil?


OBAMA: One man from Illinois lost his coverage in the middle of chemotherapy because his insurer found that he hadn't reported gallstones that he didn't even know about. They delayed his treatment and he died because of it.


Looks like the administration got that memo too. Oh, and by the way, I am the one who lies about everything. That sob story Obama was telling? It wasn't true — completely changed the facts around. The guy didn't die because of the insurance company. He died years later. But boy, those insurance companies look evil, don't they?

Creamer also wanted to create a crisis:


CREAMER: We need to establish as the political dialogue: "Everyone agrees there's a health care crisis in America. Here's our plan, here's their plan. Now your only alternatives, public, are to choose one of the two, not the status quo."


Maybe it's just me, but that also sounds a little familiar, doesn't it?


OBAMA: The need for reform is urgent and it is indisputable.

KERRY: Everyone in America knows the status quo is unacceptable.

HOYER: This is an urgently needed bill.

OBAMA: The urgent need for us to get to the finish line.


It sure looks like Axelrod and company are following the "blueprint," but — once again — this saintly convicted felon views himself as the victim: "It's important for the targets of the smear machine to push back and to use whatever kind of means we can to prevent him from continuing these kind of reckless charges."

"Targets of the smear machine"? What have I said that is a smear, Robert? Are you not a convicted felon? Spare me the sob story that you were just trying to help, it was all harmless. That rings about as hollow as when some creep tells Chris Hansen he "wasn't going to do anything" with the girl. Hey creep, you had condoms and a six-pack!

And, if you want to talk about a smear machines, let's look at what happens when people on the right speak up:

• Van Jones. I was called a liar because his official title was not "czar," yet he resigned in the middle of the night

• When a watchdog uncovered the government violating privacy through "cash for clunkers" (on July 31st) I reported it and then I was mocked. Two days later, the White House removed the warning to "rework the language"

• When I said (in November of 2008!) that TARP would not be used for what it was designed, I was ridiculed. First it was the giant slush fund for Timothy Geithner, then two days ago the president said he wanted to use TARP for small business loans

• When I said, in 2007, that the economy was in trouble and the stock market was headed for a crash. Economists and politicians laughed (it was at 14,093). When I advised people to prepare for tough times and the stock market was 8,451 and unemployment was at 6.1 percent, the "experts" continued to laugh. Now the stock market is up and so is unemployment

• When I warned, in 1998, to listen to and take seriously the threats of Usama bin Laden, that there would be bodies in the streets, they called me a fear monger

• When hundreds of thousands of people across America gathered in protest of an out-of-control government, all the left could talk about was how scared they were of violence. How those crazy right-wing militia members would act out; how those anti-government "tea bagging" Second Amendment freaks clinging to their Sky God and boom-sticks would let loose — Nancy Pelosi was even crying about it before anything happened:


PELOSI: I have concerns about some of the language that is being use, because, I saw, I saw this myself in the late seventies in San Francisco. This kind of rhetoric was very frightening and it gave — it created a climate in which violence took place.


After all of that, nothing happened; not one incident of violence.

So please, Robert, spare me your sanctimonious B.S. about being attacked by the smear machine. If you really want to be smeared, join the tea party or the conservative movement. Or just read the Constitution and tell a friend to read it. Because while we are simply calling for an open and honest debate, you won't read the bills and you mock anyone who stands in your way:


REID: All Republicans can come up with is this: Slow down, stop everything, let's start over.

PELOSI: I think they're Astroturf... you be the judge.

FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: The ones who still believe that the moon landing was staged in a movie lot in Arizona. And those who believe the Earth is flat.


And, if that doesn't do the trick, it's time to silence the opponent:


ARIANNA HUFFINGTON: There is something that we need to really pay attention to with Glenn Beck. We cannot just dismiss him. Because the truth of the matter is that there is a good reason why we have an exemption to the free speech protection by the First Amendment when we say you cannot shout "fire" in a crowded theater. And he's doing that every night.


I don't want people on the left to shut up. I don't want David Axelrod to shut up. I don't want Obama to talk less. I want him to tell me more. He clearly believes in Marxist principles. Great, let's have that debate. Let's see what is really happening. Let's read the bills instead of "act now — act now — hurry!"

Slow down. Make the case. Let's talk.

I'm the one saying shut up and sit down?


OBAMA: I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess.


That's not new; we are just used to it being phrased a little differently:


OBAMA: We don't hang on to the past...

OBAMA: We don't cling to the past...

OBAMA: To rise above the failures of the past...

OBAMA: We are going to reach for the future and not look backwards...

OBAMA: It's a choice between the past and the future...

OBAMA: Trapped in the past...

OBAMA: We can't be prisoners of the past...


Progressives would rather just say the debate is settled and march forward; destroying anything that gets in the way using whatever kinds of "means we can to shut the opposition down." You don't need to go to extremes. I've got your "means" right here.

If I'm so full of lies, if I'm so wrong, please, call me. I'm pretty sure that call would make a lot of news and everyone would see it in bright lights: "White House puts Glenn Beck in his place!"

I want that call.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel