
Condoleezza Rice (search), President Bush's choice to be the next secretary of state, underwent surgery Friday to treat noncancerous growths in her uterus, a White House official said.

The national security adviser underwent uterine fibroid embolization (search) at Georgetown University Hospital, and it appeared to be successful with no complications, said Jim Wilkinson, a deputy national security adviser. Rice was resting comfortably, Wilkinson said.

"So far things are fine," said the interventional radiologist who performed the surgery, Dr. James B. Spies. "It's been very routine and a success technically."

Rice was given a sedative, not a general anesthetic, Spies said. Patients experience discomfort after the procedure, so they are routinely kept overnight, he said.

Uterine fibroid embolization blocks blood flow to fibroids, noncancerous tumors in the uterus. For some women it is an alternative to hysterectomy.

Rice was scheduled to go home Saturday. She could return to work as early as Monday, Wilkinson said.

Bush announced on Tuesday that Rice, 50, will succeed Secretary of State Colin Powell. Her nomination must be confirmed by the Senate.

Bush traveled Friday to Chile for an international summit. He brought Steve Hadley (search), Rice's deputy and the president's pick to head the National Security Council if Rice is confirmed.