
Parents of children killed in last year's Sichuan earthquake have been harassed by police and some imprisoned after trying to speak out about a possible scandal, according to an Amnesty International report.

Chinese authorities intimidated and detained parents and relatives for trying to seek answers from officials about why their children died.

The report, released a week before the first anniversary of the disaster, said the youngest person detained was only 8 years old.

Click here to read the Amnesty International report.

Amnesty International U.K. Campaigns Director Tim Hancock said: "Many of these parents' lives were devastated when they lost their children in the Sichuan earthquake.

"It's completely understandable that they would want to know why their children died and who was responsible," Hancock said. "For the Chinese authorities to react by locking up grieving parents, whose only crime was to demand some answers, is truly beyond belief."

The parents are convinced that shoddy construction, cut-price building materials and corrupt local government officials were responsible for the collapse of the school buildings during the quake on May 12 last year.

Click here for more on this story from Sky News.