
Neil Cavuto was joined by Jim Rogers, president of JimRogers.com; FOX News Senior Business correspondent Karen Gibbs; Todd Eberhard, president of Eberhard Investment Associates; and Bob Guccione, Jr., editor-in-chief of Gear magazine.

Is Smaller Better?

There's a David and Goliath battle taking place on Wall Street.  The S&P 600 small cap index is up 10% for the year, while the S&P 500 big cap index is down 6%.  So, whose side should you be on right now to make money?

Jim Rogers says it’s not so much about size, but about cheaper stocks. He likes mid-size companies Chiquita Brands (CQB) and UniSource Energy (UNS).

Todd Eberhard likes regional banks Washington Federal (WFSL) which is up 12% year-to-date and Dime Community (DCOM) which is up 26% year-to-date.

Bob Guccione, Jr. says smaller is not always better in the publishing business. But smaller magazines do have more intimate relationships with readers and can change quicker.

More For Your Money: Late Death?

Late payments for credit cards are at a 5-year high!  While filings for personal bankruptcy and average household credit card debt are both at all-time highs! Is this a bad sign for the market and economy, because if we can’t pay our bills we may end up not being able to buy stocks and goods?

Jim Rogers says debt burden will hurt the market and economy, and late payments will hurt General Electric (GE) and JP Morgan Chase (JPM).

Todd Eberhard says rising debt will help American Express (AXP) and Bank One (ONE).

Bob Guccione, Jr. says debt is not a worry, but the way corporations play with their financial numbers is a worry.

Head to Head: Is Saudi Arabia a Friend or Foe?

Neil says the Saudis are not doing enough to fight the war on terror and that they owe us for helping protect them during the Gulf War.

Raghida Dergham, senior diplomatic correspondent for Al Hayat, says they are doing enough and they don’t owe us anything.

FOX on the Spot

Bob Guccione, Jr: We’re on the verge of a second Internet boom, but this one will last!

Todd Eberhard: Choppy markets flatten out and stocks rise at end of the year!

Karen: NJ Nets win next round in basketball playoffs!

Jim: Like France, anti-immigration politicians shock the Netherlands when elections are held in two weeks!

Neil: No rate hikes this year!