CHICAGO – A radio station has backed out of plans to hold a dating contest featuring former police sergeant Drew Peterson, a suspect in his fourth wife's disappearance.
The radio station, Chicago's WJMK-FM, had planned to offer listeners the chance to "Win a Date With Drew Peterson" on Thursday on the "Steve Dahl Morning Show." Peterson accepted the invitation to participate.
"The ladies are coming back around," Peterson said Wednesday on the show.
Peter Bowen, the station's general manager, told FOX News that there will be no dating contest.
Plans for the dating show were part of a spontaneous discussion on air Wednesday morning, Bowen said.
Stacy Peterson was reported missing on Oct. 29 after she failed to show up at a friend's house. Peterson denies any involvement in his wife's disappearance and claims that she left him for another man.
Click here for photos of Drew.
Joel Brodsky, Peterson's attorney, called in to the show on Wednesday and pitched the dating game idea.
"You know what you should do? You should have a win a date with Drew contest," Brodsky said.
Peterson, also on the show Wednesday, said he liked the idea.
The radio show host expressed his concern for the bachelorette on the date.
"I think we're probably going to send a chaperone on the date just to be on the safe side," Dahl said, adding that he was "kidding."
Peterson said Dahl could be the chaperone as long as there wasn't any "three-way stuff."
The show will allow Peterson to pick his choice out of three bachelorettes, Dahl said.
Peterson also claims women are drawn to him and during a recent visit to a tavern, female patrons bought him drinks and gave him their phone numbers.
A woman named Ashley left a note in Peterson's mailbox but didn't leave her phone number, Peterson said, adding that it must have been a "blonde moment."
Stacy's family believes Drew was involved in her disappearance and said a contest would only help in the investigation.
"We'll be getting a heads up to his next victim," said PamBosco, a spokeswoman for Stacy's family.
The contest wouldn't serve Peterson any purpose, Bosco said.
"There's probably more women who are disgusted of him at this point," Bosco said.
FOX News' Ruth Ravve contributed to this report.