
When Tom Fox would return from his peace efforts in Iraq every four months, friends say he always made time for the children at the Hopewell Centre.

Whether it was teaching kids about opposing violence or leading hiking excursions through the Shenandoah Valley during youth summer camp, Fox was an influential and loved role model, said Anne Bacon, clerk of a Quaker meeting in Clear Brook.

"He was very committed to peace and he was opposed to war, and this was just something he very strongly believed in," Bacon said.

Bacon last saw Fox when he returned to Iraq in September. He kept in touch through e-mails and his blog.

"Words are inadequate, but words are all we have," Fox wrote in his last entry on Nov. 8. "Words like 'collective punishment' and 'ghettoize' come to mind for the current state of life in Fallujah."

Bacon said Fox and other CTP members knew the danger of working in a war-torn country, "but their goals are still very clear — peace belongs to all."