
It seems the secret to Will Smith's happiness, healthy Hollywood marriage and box-office success is pretty simple.

"Lots of sex," he told Pop Tarts at Monday's "Hancock" premiere. "All the time, every day. Just lots of sex keeps me goin' good."

But Will admits that he wasn't totally swept off his feet when he started dating wife Jada Pinkett Smith in the mid-90s.

"I was very interested that first night, but I was in a bizarre mental space," he said. "Three months into it we were at her mom's house and it just hit me. I looked at her and just knew this was it."

Jada, on the other hand, told Pop Tarts that she knew Will was the one right away, adding that if everything else fails, at least she picked "a good babydaddy."

But when it comes to spouses, Jason Bateman had trouble deciding whether or not his "Hancock" wife Charlize Theron was talented in the lip-locking department.

"I did get a kissy-poo, not that good but it was still great for me. I just closed my eyes and got through the breath and the hard lips and moustache. You just don't expect the moustache — I don't know how they hide it," funnyman Bateman told us before quickly correcting himself with "No, she's real good on the lips."

Lindsay Lohan Estranged From Her Father?

It's only been a little over a year since Lindsay Lohan has allowed her father Michael Lohan back into her life, but if the purported recent voice message from him to Li-Lo is anything to go by, it seems the troubled actress has pushed him away once again.

"I've been trying to reach you for a week now," Michael reportedly says in a message floating around the Web. "I know that you were annoyed that I gave an interview and my need to comment about the people you are around, and obviously you took offense to it.

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"Honey, I'm sorry," he continues. "I am telling you, I just love you. And I promise you, I absolutely promise you, I will not mention your name in the press, at all, ever again.

"I promise you, I'll keep questions out of the press, when it comes to you. I promise. Just please, please, honey, call me or pick up the phone. You need to promise me.

"... When I was out of your life, everything started to unwind — all these things didn't do well — and so on, so forth. And how people are blaming me because you're not getting roles or something?"

We’re assuming Linds was pretty peeved when her dad told Us Weekly a few weeks ago that her romantic relationship with Samantha Ronson was evident “to anyone with half a brain."

Meanwhile, Michael Lohan said he took a DNA test on Monday to find out if he's the father of a Montana teen, as the first photos of his alleged 13-year-old daughter, Ashley, were made public.

Maggie Gyllenhaal Doesn’t Want to Be Like Katie Holmes

Maggie Gyllenhaal is the leading lady in the latest Batman flick “The Dark Knight," but it turns out that the screen starlet didn’t want to act in any way, shape or form like her predecessor Katie Holmes.

“I’m a fan on Katie Holmes and I think she’s a lovely actress and she did a great job in the previous 'Batman,' but I don’t think it would serve anyone for me to try to imitate her or even sort of copy,” Gyllenhaal told Pop Tarts, adding that she instead wanted to create a completely “new woman” for this film.

Maggie and her co-stars have spent a very long few days holed up in Hollywood’s supposedly haunted Roosevelt Hotel promoting the film, and according to insiders, the constant Heath Ledger questions have been taking their toll on the A-list cast, who have been working hard to keep their emotions in check.

“I think it's very difficult to do what he did,” Gyllenhaal told Pop Tarts in regards to Heath’s Oscar-buzzed performance as the Joker. “Even for the greatest actors, it's very unusual to hit that stride where you get to the place where you can do no wrong because you're that free. I think that's incredibly difficult to do that in a movie this big, and it is remarkable what he did.”

But rather than getting upset about having lost such a rare talent, co-star Christian Bale sees Ledger’s last complete film as a legacy of his life and talent.

“He worked incredibly hard on this; his emotion was absolute. He was a very satisfying actor to work opposite. He didn't break character the whole time,” Bale said. “But as soon as he took it [the makeup] off, he was Heath. He was a joy, he was a pleasure, and he was great company. I liked him very much and I miss him dearly. Tragic that this is his last complete movie, but it's a wonderful celebration of his talent.”

Britney NOT Dating Her Agent; Montag (Finally) Registers to Vote

It’s no secret that Britney Spears’ William Morris agent Jason Trawick is pretty sticky with his beloved client, having recently accompanied her to Costa Rica with Mel Gibson as well as Christian Audigier’s 50th birthday bash.

But Pop Tarts has learned that the relationship is strictly professional as he apparently only has eyes for “Transformers” starlet Rachael Taylor.

We’re told the 23-year-old Australian beauty and the high-powered talent agent have been dating for a few months and are now getting ready to move in together.

Given Taylor’s clean rep, bubbly personality and dedication to her craft, we recommend Brit start spending time with her agent’s real-life leading lass and hopefully learn a thing or two.

Speaking of romances, “The Hills” couple Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt visited the Santa Monica DMV on Tuesday afternoon and made the most of their waiting time by making out. Classy.

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