
It seems that the sexy siren streak in Angelina Jolie came out at a very young age.

The brunette half of Brangelina has told Britain’s OK! Magazine she has been kissing boys since kindergarten.

“I was a member of a group called the Kissy Girls. I was very sexual in kindergarten,” she confessed to the mag. “I created a game where I would kiss the boys and give them cooties.”

And the Hollywood hottie wasn’t afraid to go “Beyond Borders” back then, either.

“Then we would make out and we would take our clothes off. I got in a lot of trouble!” she added.

Angie also admitted to having lost her virginity at the age of 14 but soon felt the need to turn pleasure into pain.

“I had started having sex with my boyfriend and the sex and the emotions didn’t feel enough. I was no longer a little girl,” she said.

“In a moment of wanting to feel closer to my boyfriend I grabbed a knife and cut him. He cut me back. We had an exchange of something and we were covered in blood, my heart was racing. Then whenever I felt trapped, I’d cut myself. I have a lot of scars.”

The “Original Sin” star stopped self-harming when she switched from mutilator to motherhood and adopted 5-year-old Maddox.

In more Brangelina news, reps have roasted rumors that the relationship between Angie and Brad is on the rocks.

"They are together and very happy,” Jolie’s manager, Geyer Kosinski, told US Weekly.

“There is absolutely no trial separation," added Pitt’s publicist, Cindy Guagenti. "As a matter of fact, Brad and the kids are traveling to Prague to be with Angelina while she films her movie. Then they are both going to Cannes to promote 'Ocean's Thirteen' and 'A Mighty Heart.' After that, the whole family is going to Los Angeles for the premiere of 'Ocean's Thirteen' and then to New York for the premiere of a 'Mighty Heart.'"

Britney Blames Manager for Problems With Paris

Britney Spears has reportedly fired manager Larry Rudolph for introducing her to panty-free party girl Paris Hilton.

According to the New York Post, Spears laid off Larry for spinning her into the spotlight with the socialite and blames him for a number of her recent “Toxic” troubles.

But to battle the legal ramifications that will no doubt come with cutting the contract, Spears has re-hired PR pro Leslie Sloane-Zelnick.

However, Paris’ publicist, Elliot Mintz, has spat back at the Post piece, telling TMZ: "That's a matter between Britney, Larry and Leslie.”

In another effort to make a career comeback, newly slim Brit has been movin’ it at the Millennium Dance Complex in North Hollywood.

She's also been shopping — a lot. A source close to the singer has told In Touch Weekly magazine that Spears has "turned into a shopaholic," blowing more than $60,000 this past month on wigs, vintage hats, lingerie and jewelry.

"She's acting like a child. This is not normal behavior,” added addiction specialist Clare Waismann. ”Her whole demeanor is strange. She's not doing well."

Cameron Diaz 'Busted'

Cameron Diaz always remembers to smile — but she sometimes forgets her underwear.

The “Sweetest Thing” star was spotted bouncing around the Boulevard bra-free.

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Jessica Biel Loves to Kiss and Tell

It seems that Jessica Biel really was in “7th Heaven” when kissing co-star Nicolas Cage in her new movie, “Next."

The ash-blonde beauty confessed to “Extra” that she has had a mini-crush on “The Weather Man” for a long time.

While Jess admits her lip-lock with Cage was one of her all-time favorites, there are a few other Hollywood heartthrobs who left Biel breathless.

“It might be a tie between Nic [Cage], Ed Norton and Adam Sandler,” the “Stealth” starlet said. “They’re all very good kissers.”

One wonders if her reported boy-toy, Justin Timberlake, is feeling a little crushed that he didn’t make the cut.

Showering Eva

Eva Longoria and her posse of pals gathered at the home of Felicity Huffman for Longoira's bridal shower bash, where the guests reportedly competed to create the most glamorous gown — out of toilet paper.

The guests sampled salads with salmon and shrimp, sipped on specialty martinis and white wine followed by white-chocolate pastries and chocolate-chip cookies.

According to People magazine, the pre-wedding partiers were prompted to give the couple gifts for each room of their house, which included everything from mirrors to cookware to cookbooks.

But what did Huffman give?

"I'm giving her this damn shower," she told People. "I don't have to get her a present as well, do I?"

Britney: The Future Queen of England?

Now that Prince William is single again, British bookies are betting on Britney Spears as his next princess.

Odds of 20-1 are being placed on the reformed rehabber rolling into a relationship with Will following their e-mail affair in 2002.

Meanwhile, Paris Hilton and Kylie Minogue are also speculated to stand a chance with the future king.

But the royals might not be won over by Spears’ swearing skills. After dropping into Shu Sushi over the weekend, the singer pushed through the paparazzi with a profusion of f-words falling from her tongue.

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And just when we thought Spears had overcome her “Toxic” taste in clothes, the single mom stepped out in a not-so-flattering fur coat with fishnets on Sunday.

But to top off a bizarre Britney weekend, the “Crazy” performer had a somewhat sarcastic statement to share with the world in a recorded message:

“Right. Um, no, like, I just really like wanna talk and just say, like, how nice our world is. Like, it is so nice, like, I’m gonna cry right now. Cuz, like, our world is so nice. No, it really is because, like, oh, my God, like, the other day, like, I saw like this magazine… And I looked at it and it said, like, I was pregnant. And, like, I went up to Mom and I was like, “oh, my God,” like, my mom knew. Like, she was right. Like, always believe everything you read, everybody. Like, because I am. I really am pregnant.

"And then, like, I went to, um, like, um, this person and they saw, like, on the USA Today, like, that you know, like, I was drinking a lot. And it was SO TRUE! IT WAS SO TRUE! And then, like, it was just so weird because then, like, then after that, like, everybody ... like, you know, just always believe what you read. Because, like, and all my management they totally knew what they were doing when they sent me to rehab. Like, totally, like, they totally knew what they were doing. Like, it’s just so weird how great and nice our world is. And, like, after this nobody’s going to talk about this. Because our world, is so nice. So that’s all wanted to say. So, OK, bye.”

Jessica Simpson 'Busts' Out

Speaking of a little indecent exposure, Jessica Simpson had her own “Public Affair” to deal with over the weekend.

While club-hopping in Hollywood, the buxom brunette just couldn’t seem to keep her girls in line. Perhaps a bigger bra for next time. Jess?

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Paris Hilton Going Haywire?

From socialite to “Simple Life,” Paris Hilton is apparently mislaying her marbles.

According to the New York Daily News, Hilton was spotted arriving solo at L.A.’s Les Deux last week. After meeting up with lil’ sis, Nicky, the hotel heiress was overcome with the need to croon a chorus of “Firecrotch," a not-so-nice nickname for redhead Lindsay Lohan.

“As Paris was about to leave, she started saying ‘firecrotch' to herself — but loudly — so everyone around her could hear," a partier told the paper. "And she wasn't saying it to anybody — she was all by herself. She was practically chanting it!"

Angelina Jolie to Blame for Sweaty American Males

Forget cheap antiperspirants and torrid temperatures — it seems Angelina Jolie is a major factor in male sweating.

According to the “Makes Men Sweat” poll conducted by The Right Guard Good Sport Index, Angie brings out the body odor more than any other female, as selected by 27 percent of the sweaters.

Brunette beauties Jessica Alba and Beyonce were next in line to cause some secretion, while sirens Scarlett Johansson and Charlize Theron are also responsible for steaming up screens.

On the opposite end of the scale, Ozzy Osbourne was sprayed as the “Sweatiest Rock Star” while every day is “One Fine Day” with George Clooney, who won the tag as the top “cool” guy.

Halle Berry Blasts Brangelina

In more Angie-related news, the latest Hollywood hottie to slam Brangelina’s adoption antics is “Monster’s Ball” beauty Halle Berry.

According to the U.K.'s Chocolate magazine, Berry believes that Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt were wrong to have flourished their families with foreigners when so many Americans need a happy home.

"There are lots of children that need a home in America,” the mag reported her as saying. “I feel we have forgotten about our own kids. With Brad and Angelina it's whatever works for them."

Berry says she won’t be forgetting the kids of her own country anytime soon.

“I hope I have children one day — it's not too late. I am looking forward to that,” Halle reportedly added. "Maybe I will adopt somewhere down the road if that is the only way to bring a child into my life."

Threesome Set for Lindsay Lohan and Keira Knightley?

Christmas may come early for the millions of males worldwide who would like to see some girl-on-girl good times between Lindsay Lohan and Keira Knightley.

The Post Chronicle is reporting that the Hollywood hotties will steam up screens with a rumored threesome for their new movie “Best Time of Our Lives."

The film, about poet Dylan Thomas, will see Lohan portray Thomas' wife Caitlin MacNamara, while Knightley will star as the poet's childhood friend, Vera Phillips.

Lead actor Matthew Rhys has reportedly hinted at a "ménage à trois” involving the sexy screen starlets.

And seems as though no matter what the “Bobby” beauty does, Lohan can never just Li-Lo.

The 20-year-old has recently experienced some plumbing problems and flooded her former flame Harry Morton’s apartment.

Linds lives in L.A. directly above Harry, the Hard Rock Café heir, but was in New York last month when her pipes popped and poured through his pad.

"It's awkward enough for Lindsay living just above her ex at the best of times. Now it's much worse,” a source told The New York Post. "There were plumbing issues and it leaked all over Harry's multimillion-dollar apartment."

A rep for the reformed rehabber confirmed the water woes, saying that the situation was being dealt with.

'Missundaztood': Pink vs. President Bush

Are Pink’s anti-Bush outbursts being bleeped?

The punk princess recently appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” to discuss the lyrics of her latest track, “Dear Mr. President." And she says she's been prohibited from pitching her political views on other radio and television shows.

“Dear Mr. President” is an open-letter attack on Bush’s domestic and war policies. In the salty songs, Pink questions: "How do you sleep while the rest of us cry? How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye? How do you walk with your head held high? Can you even look me in the eye?”

Click here to read the lyrics

“Are you hoping President Bush will make a song back to you?” Kimmel joked.

“Yes,” Pink replied. “Through Eminem.”