
An eastern Pennsylvania woman says a dispute over a final resting place for her fiance has led to a startling disappearance — of the urn containing his cremated remains.

Nancy Kempa of Wilkes-Barre said her 25-year-old fiance, Aaron Lohnes, died Aug. 11. She planned to bury him in the same cemetery as his father. Kempa said Lohnes' brother gave the funeral home consent to release the remains to her.

But she told Wilkes-Barre police that during Thursday afternoon's memorial service at St. Stephens Episcopal Church, two friends of Lohnes took the urn and ran down the street.

Sgt. Joe Novak said theft charges are possible. He says police have been called to funerals before for disputes over arrangements, or the property of the deceased.

"I don't ever recall having disputes over the actual remains," Novak said.