
Charlton Heston taped a poignant announcement the other day. He told the world he has Alzheimer's disease.

Heston's revelation was devoid of self-pity -- and even included a mild joke.

Charlton Heston understands something very basic, very obvious, and very often overlooked: That life itself is a great and unimaginable blessing -- every sight, sound and smell; every experience and encounter.

The man talked with both a sigh and a smile. Life throws us a lot of curves, but we ought to embrace even our hardships with a combination of humility, joy and appreciation.

In sharing his sad news, Heston followed some advice I often hear from a preacher friend: Be a light. Show grace. Show appreciation. Praise others. And sprinkle it all with a little love.

In a nation such as ours, even in times of anxiety and turmoil, it's worth remembering that we're incredibly lucky -- and that a little faith and decency will make us even greater.