
A U.K. couple told to abort the severely disabled baby growing in its mother's womb are delighted with their newborn son, according to a report in the Daily Mail.

Julie Crampin, 36, and Antony Lara, 40, of Gloucester, ignored the advice of doctors who wanted the couple to terminate the pregnancy after a scan of the womb at 20 weeks revealed the baby would be severely disabled and unlikely to survive.

The boy, Marco Lara, was born with a range of serious conditions, including water on the brain, a hole in the heart and a narrowing of the outlet of the stomach.

Click here to read the whole story and see a picture of Marco.

The parents say the toddler is developing well after three operations, two to relieve pressure on his brain.

Lara is hopeful his son will live a full life without any serious disabilities — but said it's too early for doctors to give an accurate prediction of the boy's future.