This is a partial transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," September 25, 2006, that has been edited for clarity.
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BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Back of the Book" segment tonight, we have a tabloid story for you. Some of you don't like it. I understand. I don't blame you if you don't want to watch it, but this is very interesting. All right?
Houstonian Nicole Schrader had a feeling someone was creeping into her apartment. That is, breaking in when she wasn't home and messing around with her stuff.
So Nicole installed a video camera and caught 38-year-old Sean Rogers, married father of one, whom she had never met, wearing her clothing in her place.
Now police took a look at the tape and they charged Rogers, and he's now been sentenced to — ready — eight years in prison. Wow, don't mess with Texas.
With us now, Kim Dean, correspondent for "Inside Edition", who broke the story nationally. And from Dallas, Nicole Schrader, the victim of the crime.
Nicole, eight years for basically just messing around with your stuff and doing some unsavory things in your apartment. What do you think?
NICOLE SCHRADER, VICTIM: Well, actually, the eight years was because he came back and stole the video camera that I had used to catch him with. Eight years is a great sentence, because this is definitely an instance where we caught somebody before a very dangerous situation occurred.
O'REILLY: Now how did he get into your apartment?
SCHRADER: That's still a little unknown. The police think he was picking the locks, but every time I would come home, I would have to unlock the door from the outside. If you're picking a lock, there's no way you can lock it again with a pick. So I really don't know.
O'REILLY: So how many times do you think this guy was in your place?
SCHRADER: I think it was numerous, probably, you know, three to four times a week for a couple of months.
O'REILLY: Wow. Wow.
SCHRADER: Yes, it was very frequent.
O'REILLY: Now No. 1, the implications of that are frightening an, No. 2, how did it affect your life?
SCHRADER: It affected me tremendously, especially in the beginning. I was frightened to be alone, and I'd always been a very independent person, and I didn't want to be alone. I really didn't want to do anything by myself for myself. It really — it took a lot of that away from me.
But fighting back and putting this person that could have potentially hurt me physically or anybody else has really been empowering and has really helped me to gain that back.
O'REILLY: Now, Kim, do you think he deserved eight years in prison?
KIM DEAN, CORRESPONDENT, "INSIDE EDITION": Well keep in mind, Bill, what he was convicted of is not was not what you see on the tape. What you see on the tape is trespassing. That's a misdemeanor, going back and stealing the camera. That's second degree felony. He could have gotten up to 20 years for that.
O'REILLY: You know, you steal a video camera in New York. They don't even give you a ticket.
DEAN: That's probation if that's your first time. This guy, they clearly established he'd been in her apartment and they established an escalating behavior. And also, prosecutors, keep in mind, had two or three other women who were ready to come forward, citing similar behavior.
O'REILLY: So he did this to other women?
DEAL: That's the allegation, and they were ready to testify.
O'REILLY: So you think eight years is a fair sentence?
DEAN: It's not for me to say if it's fair. That's what he pled out. But the jurors said afterwards if it were up to them, they would have given him more.
O'REILLY: Now Nicole, this — any woman who's watching is going to identify with you tonight, because it's just — you feel violated when somebody comes into your place and is going through your gear.
SCHRADER: Right. Incredibly.
O'REILLY: Now did you know this guy was doing this? Or did you just suspect in the beginning, before the camera?
SCHRADER: I had absolutely no clue. The only — the only thing that led me to think something was wrong was I was coming home repeatedly to lights left on in my house. And I live by myself, there should have been nobody else in my house other than me. And you know, coming home time after time again from work with random lights left on in my house, a few things out of place, just really raised some red flags for me.
O'REILLY: What a creepy guy, huh?
SCHRADER: Incredibly creepy.
O'REILLY: I mean, I think that there should be a felony for creepy guys and you stack on about four, five years to whatever sentence it is, because it is a violation. I mean, it's nonviolent, yes. But if a guy comes in my house and I'm in my house, he's not going to walk out.
SCHRADER: I agree.
O'REILLY: There you go. If I'm in the house, this guy comes in, he's not walking out of my house. And I bet you most Americans agree.
SCHRADER: I agree.
O'REILLY: Nicole, we're glad you're OK. Way to go, you made the case.
SCHRADER: Thank you.
O'REILLY: And thanks for reporting on it, Kim.
DEAL: Thank you very much.
O'REILLY: All right. Hey, I'm up for it anyway. I'll go back on Letterman anytime he wants me. I enjoy the joust. Jeanne, Juan, thanks very much.
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