An Omaha, Neb., woman's house is so dirty she may be going to jail.
Two Douglas County judges on Thursday sentenced Rosie Fellman to five days behind bars, in lieu of $5,000 bond, for failing to get rid of the trash piled six feet high in and around her house, reports KETV-TV of Omaha (search).
City inspectors first took Fellman to court in May, showing the judge photos of her house with an estimated 114 garbage cans outside. They threatened to have the building razed as a health hazard.
Fellman was given 2½ weeks to clean the place up, then another month when Fellman's sister tried to appoint a guardian to take control of the house.
"Hopefully, we can get someone [to] take some of her money, clean up the property, eliminate problems with the city so the house doesn't get bulldozed," said the sister's lawyer, who added that Fellman suffered from "hoarding syndrome."
Neighbors had been complaining about the mess for years, but were afraid to act against Fellman in fear of retribution. None were willing to speak on the record with reporters.
Fellman has sued a neighbor, a former lawyer and city inspectors, seeking $200,000 in damages.
"In her particular case, I don't believe that she can really, fully comprehend what's accepted by society," Fellman's own attorney, Ralph Peppard, told the TV station.
— Thanks to Out There reader Jarvis N.
Harry Potter Calls In Hazmat Crew
Fictional boy wizard Harry Potter (search) has enough magical power to shut down a post office in the real world, according to a Kansas City (search) TV station.
KMBC-TV reports that the post office in Buckner, Mo., was shut down for two hours last Wednesday while a hazardous-materials crew investigated a mysterious white powder found on a piece of mail.
It turned out a local Potter fan had mailed the young Hogwarts student a card for his birthday, which falls on July 31.
Lacking "floo powder (search)," which in the Potter universe helps wizards travel, the well-wisher had sprinkled the envelope with ordinary talcum powder before sending it off to England.
"It's not every day you get a letter with white powder all over it," the town's police chief, no doubt a Muggle (search), told the TV station.
— Thanks to Out There reader William V.
MARYSVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Police in Tennessee are telling a cheesy story.
Marysville police say they arrested a 23-year-old man wearing nothing but cheese early yesterday. He was allegedly carrying snacks stolen from a concession stand at a pool.
Police say they found Michael Monn's Jeep parked near the pool and then noticed his clothes and a bottle of vodka in the vehicle.
Then, they saw the naked man running toward the Jeep. Officials say he had cheese in his hair, on his face and on his shoulders.
Police say Monn smelled strongly of alcohol and wasn't fully coherent.
Mid-Air Vomiting Sparks Chain Reaction
LINTHICUM, Md. (AP) — An ill passenger aboard a flight from Houston whose distress induced "sympathy nausea" in three other passengers triggered an emergency response when the plane landed at Baltimore-Washington International Airport (search), airport and airline officials say.
Ambulance crews from neighboring counties, BWI's fire and rescue service, a hazmat team and medical personnel greeted Southwest Flight 1283 when it landed at 10:26 p.m. Thursday after the pilot notified an in-flight emergency assistance service of the passengers' illness.
A passenger who was ill with a stomach virus when she boarded the plane vomited during the flight, according to spokeswomen for BWI and Southwest Airlines (search).
That triggered "sympathy nausea" in three nearby passengers, said Brandy King, a spokeswoman for Dallas-based Southwest. One hundred fourteen passengers were on the flight.
The woman who initially became ill was taken to a local hospital as a precaution, said Holly Ellison, a spokeswoman for BWI. The three other passengers declined medical treatment.
Hazmat teams examined the craft and found no abnormalities, and no airborne contaminants were found.
"It was a tremendous opportunity to exercise our emergency response," Assistant Maryland Transportation Secretary James Ports Jr. said at a news conference early Friday at BWI.
Early reports said about half a dozen of the passengers had become violently ill.
ELMWOOD PARK, N.J. (AP) — An enterprising bookmaker offered sports bettors in four states the choice of collecting their winnings in sex or cash, police said.
Online bookie Salvatore Teodoro (search) used prostitutes to deliver winnings to clients, who could take the money or various combinations of sex and cash, according to authorities.
The arrangements were made public Thursday as police charged Teodoro with promoting gambling, prostitution and underage prostitution.
Teodoro, 46, a convicted thief who managed a Web site for sports betting, also was accused of kidnapping and other charges after police said he tied up a police informant and threatened to shoot him and break his legs with a bat.
Police Chief Don Ingrasselino said the prostitutes, two of whom were under 18, ferried payouts to gamblers in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Customers were able to choose between receiving all or some of their winnings in exchange for sex.
"It brought up his profit margins a bit," Ingrasselino said.
Teodoro ran the Web site for at least the last five months, said police, who did not know how much money it handled.
Ingrasselino said the sex services were advertised by word of mouth.
Compiled by's Paul Wagenseil.
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