
Carl Alleman doesn't get around like he used to but the 86-year-old Oregonian still has plenty of fight left in him.

For nine years, he's been battling the U.S. Forest Service (search) over a gate blocking him from driving to his "own" land because it's surrounded by federally protected wilderness.

"I don't like being pushed or denied my rights," Alleman said.

The recreational gold miner paid just $150 for 60 acres under the 1872 Mining Act (search), which was designed to encourage development in the West. Environmentalists say Alleman ripped off taxpayers by exploiting a loophole in an outdated law and sued to prevent him from driving to his property.

"The motorized access he's had, that he's actually abused, has actually already created irreparable harm to the wilderness," said Barbara Ullian of the Siskiyou Regional Education Project (search).

But the 1964 Wilderness Act (search) guarantees private landowners "adequate" access to their land, so the Forest Service offered a special-use permit. But Alleman said he got a raw deal and that the offer was too restrictive.

Alleman hasn't been to his property in five years but hopes to one day build a retirement retreat there. Another hearing on the issue is set for Tuesday and the former horse breeder hopes the judge will restore his right to access his own land.

Click in the video box above to see the complete story by FOX News' Dan Springer.