
Grammy winner Norah Jones (search) says that her life hasn't taken the shape that she expected it to, but she is starting to enjoying it.

The wave of fame that hit after her 2002 album "Come Away With Me" (search) was overwhelming, but now life is getting fun, she told AP Radio.

For instance, Jones played last week's tribute concert to Gram Parsons, who she said was a huge influence on her. Parsons' daughter Polly asked Jones to perform at the tribute show after seeing her play two of Parson's songs, "She" and "Sleepless Night," at one of her concerts.

"I listen to a whole lot of music that was gone before I came into the world," Jones said. "I started out listening to jazz from the 1950s. Billie Holiday was dead long before I was born and she's still a huge influence on me. I think people can still influence you even if they're not around."

Jones' latest album is "Feels Like Home." (search)