
Naomi Campbell has cleaned up her act — by getting down and dirty.

The catwalker was released Friday from a garbage truck garage after completing five days of community service for assaulting her maid.

Click here to read about the felony charges against Naomi Campbell.

The British supermodel sauntered out of the Department of Sanitation facility in Manhattan just after 4 p.m., making her exit seconds after a garbage truck rolled through the area.

The pavement and chain-linked fence might as well have been a catwalk: She strutted through in a bare-shouldered, ankle-length shimmering gown and stiletto sandals, then stepped into her silver Rolls Royce and sped away as neighborhood residents and paparazzi ogled.

Her boss for the week, department chief Albert Durrell, said she successfully completed her service.

The 36-year-old supermodel had pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault for throwing the phone at her maid about a year ago in Campbell's Park Avenue apartment over a missing pair of jeans.

Her maid, Ana Scolavino, required four stitches to her head, since the phone apparently was crystal-encrusted.

Campbell said it was an accident because she did not intend to hit her.

Misdemeanor assault is punishable by up to a year in jail.

In an agreement negotiated with prosecutors, a Manhattan Criminal Court judge sentenced Campbell to the five days of community service, to take anger management classes and to pay $363.32 in restitution to Scolavino, as well as covering her hospital bills.

A chauffeured Cadillac Escalade sport utility vehicle picked her up the other days.